FTLComm - Tisdale - December 17, 1999
For those of you who visit Ensign frequently you already know how much of an enthusiast I am for sunrises and sunsets. There is a special flash of insight that comes with the arrival of the terminator, as the sun sweeps over the land, just as there is a kind of silence that comes with the blackness that comes as the sun drops behind the horizon at the end of each day's daylight cycle.
Having seen it both on the ground and so many times riding in what seems like the solitude of the open sky and looking downward and watching the sun's brilliance flowing across the land in its vast and silent arrival was something anyone flying over the land will find signularly inspiring and that same, but opposite thud of night and the emerging streetlights flickering across the prairies brings with it an awareness and appreciation for our insignificance in the scheme of things.
These sequential pictures shot this morning are captured from video of the morning's sunrise, a moment of the sun's glory as it turns night into day a few minutes after nine this morning.

Contemplate that as this scene plays out here as we approach the shortest day of the year, far to the South this same sunrise heralds the beginning of hot summer day on the Pacific side of Chile and as the sun creeps along our Southern horizon it is shining remorselessly upon all of that empty part of the globe below the 60th parallel South of the Equator.