Friday's sunset |
FTLComm - La Ronge - Sunday, March 11, 2007 images by: Judy Shire |
Gerald Crawford once mentioned that there really was no point in taking a picture of yet another sunset. For almost all of the 80s Judy and I lived in the Yukon where the sun drops behind the seventy-five foot trees and the mountain peaks suddenly each day and it is rare to see a true sunset. Since our return to Saskatchewan now a full twenty years we remain in awe of the Saskatchewan sky and Judy makes a point of recording each sunset she sees knowing full well that each one is completely and totally unique and will never be seen again.
On Friday evening the sun was on its way over the horizon when |
she saw that the sky was turning colour and she made her way up a block from her apartment to the street in front of Precam School. The pictures she took are shown here in sequence as she clicked away with each picture getting just a slight bit darker and the sky subtly changine as the sun receded further beyond the horizon. In real time it would have taken little more than five minutes from the picture at the top of the page until the final image at the bottom of the page.
These pictures were taken with a Canon five megapizel point and shoot camera. |
The ragged spruce trees that fill the foreground in any picture in LaRonge are the most tenacious bunch growing in the cracks in the solid rock outcrops they stand with their toe nails dug in agains wind, frost, rain and the occassional forest fire.
Gerald Crawford is wrong, there can never be enough sunset pictures and Judy and I will keep on taking them as long as the sky turns colour and we have cameras that will record the event. |
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images, political commentary, information and news. This publication is the work
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
306 873 2004