The Week of August 12 to August 18, 2001
Type Kidney For Sale
- Sunday
August 12, 2001
There will come a time when nothing surprises me anymore but the e-mail I got this
morning really turned my stomach.
The Fraser Institute's Obsession with
Productivity Growth by Fewer Governmental Regulations and Fewer Pages
- Sunday
August 12, 2001
Mario deSantis shows us the counter trend as the Fraser Institute condemns all government
Take A Walk
- Sunday
August 12, 2001
Take a walk and enjoy the flowers, that's what we did late night.
The Fraser Institute: ignoring
corporate welfare and eliminating welfare for the poor
- Sunday
August 12, 2001
A recent report by the Fraser Institute clearly illustrates that we Canadians are
a sorely divided bunch as wealth and wealth protection replace caring and sharing.
Six O'clock Burnout
- Monday
August 13, 2001
The power goes off for all of the Northeast as a transformer turns to burnt toast.
Greenwater Report for August 13, 2001
- Monday
August 13, 2001
First combine seen in a field working, an art show and safety tips about pontoon
boats, round out this week's report.
The Lane
- Monday
August 13, 2001
The warm calm of last evening was perfect for a visit to the mile long lane that
stretches North of the town.
Number 8 and More
- Monday
August 13, 2001
Work begins on the eighth new house this year on heritage road and today's report
brings you up to date on other projects underway in the community.
Power To The Golden Age Centre
- Tuesday
August 14, 2001
SaskPower is cleaning up this morning as they finish off installation of underground
lines to the Senior's Centre.
WOW! We are not alone in debunking Economics
- Tuesday
August 14, 2001
Mario deSantis points to some bright light as academics look for more positive and
human solutions in the realm of economics.
Packin' It In
- Wednesday
August 15, 2001
Time to fill in the excavated site, at six inches at a time packing as they go.
Around The Junction
- Wednesday
August 15, 2001
Here is a QuickTime VR panorama of the junction of highways #3 and #35 this morning
at 9:00
What is Happening to Computer Technology?
- Thursday
August 16, 2001
With NASDAQ down another twenty-seven points from its low of yesterday its time to
look at the high tech world and try to come to terms with what is happening.
The hypocrisy of our leadership:
Roy Romanow says "act like Canadians again"
- Thursday
August 16, 2001
MPs get 20% and their government employees are offered 2.5%.
Does Your Concrete
Need A Lift?
- Friday
August 17, 2001
Super dry conditions causes the clay on which the town sits to contract causing concrete
to crack and slump, here is the solution.
Lawyer Bob McKercher: "Ethics
have become a moving target of escalating issues"
- Friday
August 17, 2001
At a lawyer's convention ethics are no longer described as standards but rather now
are seen as flexible, "moving target". Mario deSantis points out, "we
have a problem."
Town Has Reclaimed
Site Nearly Done
- Friday
August 17, 2001
With an engineer on the site the town is almost finished packing and filling the
excavated site having reclaimed the land from petroleum contamination.
Walker Seeds Ships
To Korea
- Friday
August 17, 2001
Canadian Foodgrains makes deal with Walker Seeds for 10,000 tonnes
of yellow peas.
Global Markets, the Cycle of Poverty and
Deregulations: Brainwashing Canadians with the neoclassical dogma of
the 'invisible hand'
- Saturday
August 18, 2001
Mario deSantis takes us into the serious flaw in modern economic thinking which shapes
political and public policies as he shows us that bad theory makes for bad policies.
New Tisdale Business
- Shamrock
- Saturday
August 18, 2001
Is this the time for an autoparts recycling business? Gook Luck to this new business