Hood's Hardware building collapses
Tisdale - Sunday, June 3, 2007

Apparently, the front part of the roof collapsed Friday overnight on what was once Hood's Hardware building; and consequently there was concern that the false front would collapse onto main street, so the front portion of the structure was knocked down.


I refer to it as the old "Hood's Hardware" - that's my memory of it. I am aware many business have occupied the premises over the years - Marshall Wells, Crawford's Studio, and Photo Finishing/Colour Your World. To me it will always be Hood's Hardware. Circa 1946 - 47

I was caught "Stealing" something (I have no recollection of what it was; might have been a fish hook, sink stopper, some solder, who knows). Nevertheless; I was"caught", and the manager a "terribly" mean man, by the name of Buster Howie, didn't involve the police; he contacted my parents and between him and my parents, it was arranged that I would sweep the floor at the store for a week (or two?) after school; and then go straight home, where I was grounded.

Now this was tough punishment for a young chap of seven or eight; as in those days a lot of the floors in commercial buildings were oiled wood, and you had to spread oiled sawdust on the floor and then sweep it up (it was a B - I - G floor). As a result; my criminal career came to a abrupt end. Mind you; I became a banker in later years, and there are those who associate the two careers on parallel! But I'll always remember and "respect" Mr. Howie!

Ken Styan

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