FTLComm - Tisdale - March 30, 2000
It is a pretty gloomy Thursday and standing beside a puddle this morning was this vocal crow. I stopped the van and asked him how he was and in response to me he issued one of those five part beakfuls that we often expect from these black feathered fellows. I asked him another question and once again after hearing me out he repeated the same five word tirade.

Now we all know that Ravens and crows are at the very top of the bird brain bunch and as near as scientists can determine they are among the most inteligent beings on this planet. Crows have been know to as pets learn to imitate human speech but as we have all heard in the wild both they and Ravens have an extensive vocabulary that includes mimicking machine sounds, copying dogs and other animals.

This individual I encountered this morning made me wonder just what he was saying to me because there was no mistaking that the phrase he repeated three times directly at me and in response to my questions would definitely have a specific meaning. By putting his behaviour and sounds together I suspect he told me something like this:

"The Crow, doesn't answer questions"

"The Crow has no need to talk to you.

"The Crow makes announcements."

"The Crow does not carry on conversations"

"You can ask the Crow, but only the Crow knows what he's cookin'."

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