By: Michael Townsend - Chiliwack - July 15, 1999
I went on my first "Fun Run" this past weekend. It was a load of fun! And I took along the digital camera so have returned with pictures to prove it. I have yet to join the local chapter of the HOG's but I am a member of the international group. The local president was having coffee at my regular spot last week and mentioned the 'fun run'. I was ready and the weather both here and in Chiliwack dictated the need to participate. The weekend was centered around a poker rally and bike games to be held at Ryder Lake just outside of Chiliwack.
We set out around 3:30 pm Friday afternoon and stopped for supper in Hope (bdiner above left). It is great riding in a group as vehicles give you wide berth when they see five or more thundering Harleys coming down the road. The was seven in our little pack. We arrived in Ryder Lake around 7:30 and set up our tents and spent time getting to know some of the 80 participants. (above right, my bike in front of my tent)
We got up early the next morning and met at the Harley dealership in Chiliwack were we would begin the poker rally and observation run. (above left) Colin, president of the Kamloops chapter and I decided that we would rally together and set out early as we wanted to take our time and enjoy the day.(Colin and I stopped for gas - above right)
Now the poker rally consisted of being given a map of a route to follow around Chiliwack, Abbottsford, and Agassiz. And, at the same time we were to spot twenty different land marks and signs etc. along the route. At each stop (5 of them) you draw a card and the best hand at the end of the run wins. It was a terrific day seeing much of the area even stopping at the Sasquatch Inn for a Kokany. Twice when we stopped, we had girls who asked if they could accompany us back to Ryder Lake. What the thunder of a Harley won't do!! Colin and I won the observation portion of the run.
The run would finish back at Ryder Lake where we would were camping. During the remainder of the afternoon there were bike games; the slow race (above left), ride over the 2x4 (above right),
a mad cap version of musical chairs called 'find the potato', four bikes circle while the rider jumps off looking for one of 3 potatoes(above left). Above right is the young winner of this game.
Then there was drop the stuffed toys in the tires. (above left) During the events people visited and made new acquaintances.
And of course the was the wiener grab. (bike 36 and 37). Following this craziness was a B-B-Q and a dance with a live band. In the picture below is Kamloops Hog president Colin, and on back is Dawn who has her own Harley.
During the day I got a few other shots that demonstrate the spirit of the this outing and in a way captures the folks just being folks.
This guy (above left) does not ride from rally to rally but travels in the lap of luxury with the motor home and Harley trailer. Above right are a couple of rather strange characters who I will call beer belly and rainbow head.

The bike shown on the right was one of the best ones at the event.

The hot sun and cold beer brings down another but he soon finds he has friends
Sunday we packed up, stopped for lunch in Logan Lake (above) and made our way back to Kamloops. A great time was had by all!!

Talk to you later.
