Some Christmas lights
Thursday, December 20, 2017
by: Timothy W. Shire
Thursday, December 20, 2017
by: Timothy W. Shire
Decorating for Christmas has a long tradition in Tisdale and there are few blocks in the town that do not have at least a few houses and yards decorated. The tricky problem is when to catch them with the lights on, so I can share pictures of these fine looking displays. Though many home owners only turn their lights on during the evening, I took all of the pictures on this page just at supper time Wednesday, December 19. Just after sun set is the best combination of light to capture images of Christmas decorations.

Each year John Bob puts up a fully dressed display and this year is no exception. Their neighbour, the Co-op, did up a bin and auger but I didn’t get a good shot to share with you.


This house (right) has a modest display of lights but its darkened location and the strategically located moon caught my eye and made this image stand out.


The house on the right has seen the use of lights and just a dark space on the house to produce a dramatic image.


Projections have become very popular and I only took a few shots which included these as part of the whole yard decoration. This one (right) worked on the trees as well as the house.


The image on the right and below is of the same yard and the owners here have gone to a lot of trouble with a lot of lights, characters and a projection to produce a pretty fabulous display.