This Year's Christmas Lights
FTLComm - Tisdale - December 7, 2000
Even before Ensign went into publication FTLComm produced stories that were posted on our web site showing off the marvels of the Christmas lights displays in Tisdale and other communities. This year we hope to show you a couple of selections of night images that tell the story of Christmas 2000.

These pictures were taken between six and six-thirty last night and are just a sample of some of the great displays folks have taken the effort to create. In most neighbourhoods nearly every house has some outdoor lighting celebrating the season.
The house above left, is directly across the street from the corner display shown at the top of the page.
The house above left, has some interesting home made decorations the blue angel and on the right side of the house the Christmas tree design is made with aluminum foil pie plates with lights on each and is very attractive.
These two houses in different neighbourhoods have chosen to make good use of the tree in their yard and the effort to decorate that one on the right must be commended because it is a tall tree.
The duplex on the left has been featured every year in pictures of Christmas decorations as this paired dwelling goes all out each year to make their place interesting and unique. The house on the right is one of the new homes on New Market and is so far the most elaborately decorated.

But, these are only a sample, many homes did not have their lights on at this time and we will collect some more for you another night.