The new PST:

more corruption, more division, and more work for lawyers

Nipawin - April 6, 2000 - By: Mario deSantis

leadership is getting desperate

Our leadership is getting desperate, and the more they get desperate for retaining their monopolized
power the more they behave like ossified assets, unable to transform themselves, unable to acquire
new knowledge, unable to become more personable, unable to become democratic, unable to
appreciate human dignity.

a state of division and confusion

Since there is no private entrepreneurship, our bureaucrats and politicians sell out our resources
to global businesses, kill the economy of rural Saskatchewan, centralize and increase the
bureaucracy in the cities, write off people and children in their balance sheet. In this environment
of corruption, the potential talents of these bureaucrats and politicians dissipate in their fights to
acquire the best bureaucratic jobs and business contracts for themselves or their friends.
Therefore, it is not by chance that our Premier Romanow has the political interest to create and
maintain a state of division and confusion among all of us, the people(1). In this state of division
and confusion, the pecking ordered lawyers become the fulcrum of our economy, and as a
consequence the attention of our social and economic predicament shifts from wealth creation to
  wealth extraction and dissipation.

economic policies for the benefits of the few and privileged

The present state of confusion is today apparent with the governmental economic policies for the
benefits of the few and privileged and against rural Saskatchewan, against our children, against our
people. In my articles, I was able to show that the justice system is corrupted, that our police is
corrupted, that our education system is corrupted, that our health care system is corrupted, in
practice we are experiencing an endemic corruption of our social fabric. In my past article on the
new Provincial Sales Tax(2) (PST), I highlighted the endemic corrupted and regressive behaviour of
our Honourable Eric Cline, Minister of Finance, and of our Honourable Premier Romanow just
by making reference to two literal passages of the budget address with respect to the PST.


In the first literal passage they conceptualize the tax as a socialist tool to extract more and more
resources from people; in the second literal passage they show their intrinsic racism when they
say that natives can now pay the PST on purchases off reserves since they are poor and they will
benefit from the new sales tax rebate. The leadership of these two lawyers turned politicians is
certainly enriching for the few and privileged, enriching for their friends, and enriching for their
community of lawyers; for me, their leadership is a pity!

lawyers are
at work
more than

I appreciated the outrage and responses of the native population against the new sales tax. The
Ochapowace Indian Band in Saskatchewan will not charge non-natives PST when they buy
goods on the reserve(3). The band is also keeping any income tax money it collects from
non-natives working on reserve. A new party is being formed to protect the interest of natives(4),
demonstrations and lawsuits have been exercised by different native groups. As usual, in an
environment of division and corruption, the lawyers are at work more than ever, and they thank
Premier Romanow for placing the legal creativity on the pedestal of wealth creation in this province.
  Quote by Donella Meadows "challenging a paradigm is not a part-time job. It is not sufficient to make your point once and then blame the world for not getting it. The world has a vested interest in, a commitment to, not getting it. The point has to be made patiently and repeatedly, day after day after day"
  General reference: Articles by Mario deSantis published by North Central Internet News
  Education and Health Tax: Wider Based and Breaks the Treaties, by Timothy W. Shire, April 1, 2000


The Political Mission of Premier Romanow: Divide and Conquer, by Mario deSantis, April 18, 1999


The new Provincial Sales Tax is a reflection of a regressive and racist mentality, by Mario deSantis, April 1, 2000


New tax system for Indian band, CBC Saskatchewan, Web Posted | Apr 4 2000 2:12 PM


New party a matter of principle, Murray Mandryk, The Leader Post, April 4, 2000, Regina, Saskatchewan

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