Nipawin - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - by: Mario deSantis | |
rich |
Economist Paul Krugman has been writing most of his economic perspectives on the fact that "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer." Can we say that Paul Krugman needs to diversify his mind set and talk about the birds and the bees rather than the rich and the poor? I mean, we are all different, so let us make sure to be democratic and let Paul Krugman continue with his valuable work. |
not in |
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genius |
Margaret Wente says that the evil doers are not in the Bush administration, however we have US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill who has stated that the Enron's collapse was the genius of capitalism, and since President Bush Jr. exalts the genius of the Free Market I must deduct that President Bush himself is the genius of capitalism, as to say that President Bush himself has been enronized as well. I must conclude that the highest echelons in business and governments are enronized. |
B.C. |
As a confirmation of the enronization of Canada, this morning I received an e-mail from Lorie Terry, researcher with the Coalition Against No Fault Insurance, in which she makes reference to an article in the Vancouver Sun. This article reports that the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia paid more than $31 million since 1990 to a handful of loyalist doctors to doctor medical information to be used in court against individual claimants. This morning I learn that the Campbell's government in British Columbia reneged on its collective agreed agreements and as a consequence social workers and teachers have been protesting against Campbell's private government; and this has prompted Barry O'Neill, president of CUPE, to say |
thug |
"Gordon Campbell is more than a liar and a thief. He is a jack-booted thug, who will use the power of government to attack people who deliver public services." |
Bombardier |
This morning I learn that the Free Market has put Canada against Brazil in their dispute over illegal governmental subsidies for the private big corporation Bombardier. |
heart of |
Last night, President George Bush delivered his big speech and he told us how to defend Enronism from terrorism with more money going into the hands of ther military industry so that they can continue to aim their fingers against terrorism while walking happy to the bank. Where are the evil doers Ms. Wente? Yes, you are right Ms. Wente, they are in the heart of America, but also among business lobbyists and politicians here in Canada and abroad, but don't look at Paul Krugman please! |
-----------------References: | |
Pertinent articles in Ensign | |
Unoffical Krugman Page Guestbook, This has been my first reaction as I read Margaret Wente's article: I just got mad at the Globe and Mail journalist (MARGARET WENTE) writing BS about Paul Krugman and I couldn't help but to thank this site along with the tremendous work of Paul! By Mario deSantis http://www.senac.com/guestbooks/1979 | |
The Unofficial Paul Krugman Archive, http://www.pkarchive.org/ http://www.pkarchive.org/column/column.html | |
ME AND ENRON, by Paul Krugman http://www.wws.princeton.edu/~pkrugman/enron.html | |
Evildoers in the heart of America, by MARGARET WENTE, January 29, 2002 — Page A17, The Globe and Mail | |
Is ICBC using 'hired guns' to win cases? Some B.C. doctors make more money doing ICBC reports than they do seeing patients, Jeff Lee, January 21, 2002, Vancouver Sun http://www.canada.com/search/site/story.asp?id=99E1AE53-3FBC-4F21-B6BA-497130A96D93 | |
B.C. social workers to hold protest over labour legislation, CBC Canada, January 29, 2002 http://www.cbc.ca/cgi-bin/templates/view.cgi?/news/2002/01/29/bc_protest020129 | |
Campbell says B.C. teachers will suffer consequences for one-day walkout, CBC Canada, January 28, 2002 http://www.cbc.ca/cgi-bin/templates/view.cgi?/news/2002/01/28/bcteachers020128 | |
Today's news on the Global Casino played by politicians and business lobbyists in the Free Market: Global Crossing Files for Bankruptcy, Debt Load Dooms Former Highflier, by Christopher Stern, Washington Post Staff Writer, January 29, 2002; Page E01 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A51536-2002Jan28.html | |
GLOBAL CROSSING BANKRUPTCY: DNC CHAIR MCAULIFFE TURNED $100,000 INTO $18,000,000 http://www.drudgereport.com/mattgcc.htm | |
biolgraphy of Paul Klugman |