Excess Privatization is the Culprit of US
Corruption: |
Nipawin - Thursday, March 28, 2002 - by: Mario deSantis | |
privatize |
It is mind-boggling to think that the moralist President George Bush is going to fight poverty in the developing countries as he pledges more money on the condition that these countries further privatize their economies. |
bad |
We must understand what privatization of the economy is in the best interest of the United States. It means that some $750 billion of criminal money is embedded into the $10 trillion United States economy along with an embedded chronic foreign trade deficit in excess of $300 billion; and this means that the United States is stealing from foreign countries including the poorest ones. |
$2.3 |
![]() Now, think how the Department Of Defense (DOD) disburses its budget as this department cannot account for $2.3 trillion in transactions in one year alone, and as DOD Deputy Inspector General Robert Lieberman has admitted that $4.4 trillion in adjustments to the Pentagon's books had to be cooked to compile the required financial statements and that $1.1 trillion of that amount could not be documented. Therefore, it is not surprising to ascertain that the US domestic and foreign economic activities are criminally and politically tainted. |
Enron is |
Enron is not a business scandal, it is a political scandal as it has involved the direct participation of politicians, of the White House staff, and the disgraceful collusion of the accounting firm Andersen. |
3000 |
Now, just referring to Enron's director Herbert S. Winokur, we can have an appreciation of the rooted corruption of the American political and economic system. Winokur, as chair of Enron's Finance Committee, approved the creation of more than 3,000 offshore limited partnerships and subsidiaries. Enron used these offshore paper businesses to hide losses, to hide despicable transactions and to hide money laundering. |
inside |
Winokur is also a director of Harvard Corporation, and under his directorship Harvard's endowment fund rose from $5 billion to $19 billion in just six years. Students at Harvard University are charging Winokur of inside trading as well as of interfering with academic curriculums, research and touting the Enron business model. |
DynCorp |
![]() Winokur was also chairman of the board of DynCorp from 1988 to 1997. DynCorp is a US governmental subcontractor and provider of a multitude of services including Information Technology and maintenance of US operations abroad. DynCorp's reputation abroad is as bad as the terrorism advanced by Al Qaeda. In Bosnia, DynCorp has been charged with having engaged in purchasing illegal weapons, in purchasing children as sex slaves, in purchasing forged passports and in participating in perverse activities. DynCorp has also been involved in fumigating and destroying narcotic crops in Ecuador and Colombia and again it has been charged with having caused illnesses and deaths, and destroying crops. |
Pentagon |
Now we know why the Pentagon and the CIA budgets are not accounted for, and now we know why the United States has economic policies which are corrupted at home and abroad. |
wars and |
What is the solution peddled by the Bush administration? Geopolitical stability within an environment of wars and poverty. |
References: | |
Pertinent articles published in Ensign | |
Part One: Dirty Tricks, Inc. The DynCorp-government connection, by Uri Dowbenko, Online Journal Contributing Writer, March 20, 2002 http://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/Dowbenko032002/dowbenko032002.html |
Rumsfeld Inherits Financial Mess, By Kelly Patricia O'Meara komeara@InsightMag.com, Insight Magazine http://www.prop1.org/nucnews/2001nn/0108nn/010814nn.htm#350 |
Group eyes Harvard's Enron ties: Watchdogs ask exec's suspension, by Tom Walsh Friday, February 1, 2002 http://www.businesstoday.com/business/business/harv02012002.htm |
TRADING TRUTH: A REPORT ON HARVARD'S ENRON ENTANGLEMENTS, January 31, 2002 http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~skomarov/harvardwatch/trading_truth_full.pdf |
DynCorp Disgrace By Kelly Patricia O'Meara, Jan. 14, 2002 http://insightmag.com/main.cfm?include=detail&storyid=163052 |
Who Are the Terrorists? DynCorp's Paul V. Lombardi in Federal Court, Narco News '02, DynCorp Charged with Terrorism, Lawsuit Unites U.S. Workers & Ecuador Farmers vs. Fumigation Part I of a Series, By Al Giordano http://www.narconews.com/dyncorpterrorism1.html |