A change of mind set is better than a change of strategy

By Mario deSantis, February 15, 1999

health care in Saskatchewan is in a mess Today I began to laugh when I read the article Renewal vital in health care(1). For the last few years,
the media, leading health care economists, health care leaders and politicians all heralded
Saskatchewan health care reforms as the shining light to the world; now there is a unanimous
recognition, after all that pompous fanfare, that health care in Saskatchewan is in a mess and that
the government should outline "...a strategy for health care that goes beyond rushing to apply Band-Aids to each gaping wound..."(2) I ask myself, what about our highways, our universities,
our education, our agriculture, our crown corporations, and our business climate? If health
requires a new strategy then all of these sectors of our economy would require new strategies as
the Saskatchewan Vision for Health is still beautiful and current I read Timothy Shire's article Office Culture(3) Sunday, where he describes how the new fragmented office layout of the SGI(4) business in Tisdale contributes to an overall lack of civility,
to the alienation of SGI's customers and to the insularity of the employees doing their jobs. We
don't need a new strategic plan for health or for any other sector of the economy, what we need
today is to have back our individual freedoms taken away from our tin pot dictatorships(5). We
had a beautiful health care strategic plan in the Saskatchewan Vision for Health(6), and our leaders
destroyed it because they didn't walk their talk, and they are continuing in not walking their
talk. There is no need of another health strategy, the Saskatchewan Vision for Health is still

beautiful and current; what we need is a return to civility and a simple plan and related patience
for changing the obsolete mind set of our authoritarian leaders.


Renewal vital in health care, SP Opinions, The StarPhoenix, February 12, 1999. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Last sentence of the mentioned article Renewal vital in health care


Office Culture,by Timothy Shire, February 14, 1999. Published in the North East Central News, Tisdale, Saskatchewan


SGI is the Crown Corporation Saskatchewan Government Insurance


Saskatchewan Tin Pot Dictatorships: Lack of Integrity is Lack of Leadership, by Mario deSantis, February 7, 1999. Published in the North East Central News, Tisdale, Saskatchewan


Saskatchewan Vision for Health, The Honourable Louise Simard, Minister of Health, Saskatchewan Health, August 1992