The Constitutionality of Bill 23

Back To Work Legislation Against Saskatchewan Nurses


June 9, 1999 by: Mario deSantis

  Last Saturday June 5, 1999, my son James came back to Nipawin to resume his study for his

Labour Law Class determines Government in Violation of Various Laws

upcoming GMAT examination. Upon his arrival, he mentioned that during his trip he overheard
on CBC radio of a research by some students supporting the illegality of the passing of Bill 23
related to the back to work legislation against the Saskatchewan Nurses. Monday afternoon,
June 7, 1999, I contacted Jerry Jones of CBC Saskatchewan, Regina, and he confirmed the airing
of this research and faxed me the Press Release "Labour Law Class determines Government
in Violation of Various Laws" issued by The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour. This press
release makes reference to a group of students involved in a Labour Studies Law Class, sponsored
  by the University of Saskatchewan, and to their researches in labour and human rights legislation.

Premier Roy Romanow has said that Bill 23 would be repealed

Their research in the passing of Bill 23 determined that the government of Saskatchewan violated
a number of clauses in the provincial Trade Union Act, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code
and the International Labour Organization's (ILO) International Covenant on economic, Social
and Cultural Rights. Our astute and constitutional lawyer Premier Roy Romanow has said that
Bill 23 would be repealed as soon as there was an agreement between the Saskatchewan Union
of Nurses (SUN) and the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO)(1).

contempt of court scheduled for June 24

In the meantime, Brian Rourke, the law and order Chair of SAHO, is trying to fatten its coffer
by seeking fines for contempt of court of approximately $1 million for SUN's refusal to return to
work(2). Our Justice system doesn't know yet how to deal with this contempt of court charge and
it is buying time; the hearing was originally scheduled for April 19, but it was postponed twice
and now it is scheduled for June 24.
  Our social, political and juridical saga of this Bill 23 continues. Anyhow, I am very pleased

Corrupt government

that these students were able to think on their own and demonstrate that our governments and
bureaucracies can be the primary source of illegal behaviour. This government lead by our
constitutional lawyer Premier Roy Romanow is corrupted to the core(3); in fact, while other
Saskatchewan governments have been affected by corruption and their culprits have been
criminally charged and some put in jail(4), this NDP government has worked intimately into
the social fabric of our Saskatchewan people by corrupting the delivery of health care services(5),
corrupting our leadership(6), our educational system(7) (8), our Crown Corporations(9) (10), our
justice system(11) (12), business at large(13) and now by passing illegal legislation. Our
Constitutional lawyer Premier Romanow is smart enough not to steal money outright as
some previous members of the legislature did; he just works underground, behind the scenes,
by issuing paper legislation, and in so doing he backstabs the Saskatchewan people by taking
  away their individual rights and their dignity.

Saskatchewan Federation of Labour is supporting the NDP

Tuesday morning at 8:30 I was listening to the news reported by CBC Radio and I realized the
extent of our social and political confusion: I heard that The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
is supporting the NDP party in the upcoming three by-elections to be held on June 28, 1999.


Law students pan Sask. Nurses' bill, by Patrick Cabel, The StarPhoenix, June 7, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


The Saskatchewan Government and SAHO: Mismanaging Health Care and Blackmailing SUN Nurses, by Mario deSantis, May 9, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


The Political Mission of Premier Romanow: Divide and Conquer, by Mario deSantis, April 18, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


Wheels of justice grinding extremely slowly, by Randy Burton, The StarPhoenix, January 5, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This article makes reference to the fraud of misusing communications allowances by some previous Conservative MLAs, including Senator Eric Berntson and one-time Justice Minister Bob Andrew.


Never Enough Money For SAHO, by Mario deSantis, March 31, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


Saskatchewan Tin Pot Dictatorships: Lack of Integrity Is A Lack of Leadership, by Mario deSantis, February 8, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


System Dynamics In Education: Failures of the Current System, by Mario deSantis, March 21, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


Lack of Vision in Saskatchewan Education, by Mario deSantis, March 14, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


Channel Lake saga unmasks arrogant NDP, SP Opinions, The StarPhoenix, February 9, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Report of the Provincial Auditor, 1999 Spring Report. Refer to the Workers' Compensation Board, pages 17-28


An extract from the judgment dated July 17, 1998 in the Queen's Bench Judicial Centre of Yorkton, by Justice Barclay "racism is a grim reality in Canada and in Saskatchewan. It exists openly and blatantly in attitudes and actions of individuals. It exists in the fears, in the prejudices and stereotypes held by many people and it exists in our institutions in the criminal justice system"


When Justice Fails:The David Milgaard Story, by Carl Karp and Cecil Rosner, McClelland & Stewart, 1998


Refer to the recent bankruptcy of Lake Diefenbaker Potato Corp. (LDPC). Public up to eyes in potato mess, by Murray Mandryk, The StarPhoenix, June 5, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan