March is inventory time
Tisdale - Friday, March 2, 2012

Last week Saskatchewan schools were closed for their February break and with this being leap year Wednesday was that once in every four years February 29th. It is remarkable how time just keeps whistling by in a most relentless manner. In a little more than four weeks it will be Easter with Good Friday on April 6th and our unique Canadian recognition of Easter Monday on April 9th.

Westeel continues to produce the tanks that have been rolling out of the Northern Steel plants for decades.

Though we here in this small town are aware of this manufacturing sector in Saskatchewan’s economy it is often overlooked when Canadians think about Saskatchewan. Certainly, mining and taping into Saskatchewan’s natural resources is most often in the spot light.
Potash mines are a not only well developed but more are being developed and even more planned. For the first part of the twentieth century mining in Saskatchewan was the extraction of coal which today seems almost unimportant. Then in the post war years and to the present day Saskatchewan’s production of Uranium was one of the leading suppliers in the world. Oil production was a minor thing until several technological developments increased the amount of recoverable product so that Saskatchewan’s oil production is about two-thirds of what come out of Alberta.
Until the dispute with our Southern neighbours almost entirely crushed the industry a lot of Saskatchewan people made their living harvesting the forests of Saskatchewan which is a renewable resource.

What we need to face is that even though things are going well for us here in Saskatchewan with very low unemployment rates and the need for increased immigration to fuel the expanding economy we must be ready to adapt to the unforeseen and dramatic forces that can changes things very rapidly.

Yesterday, the process of moving into the newly constructed Caleb Village (below) got underway. With the approach of spring Tisdale’s housing market is also showing a lot of activity. Tisdale has a good range of houses on the market from brand new homes just finished being constructed to small starter houses and everything in between. Tisdale’s outlook is very much like that of the province, positive and growing. The social, cultural, recreational and economic environment is supported by a healthy infrastructure with solid roots and planned for potential growth.