Wasn't this province down that very road?

Waldeck - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - by:Joyce Neufeld



On a recent visit to the city of Calgary, I happened to read the Oct. 11/03 edition of the Calgary Herald. Surprisingly, it contained an article on the Saskatchewan election campaign, highlighting some of the promises the Saskatchewan Party was promoting in hopes of unseating the NDP. Let me quote directly from the Herald.


"Boot camps for young offenders, work for welfare, tax cuts for corporations, more business friendly labour laws, reigning in the power of Crown Corporations, and eliminating taxes on small businesses".


I keep asking myself, wasn't this province down that very road during the Devine administration?




  1. Who does not remember the failed 'work for welfare' schemes and slashing of welfare benefits for the unemployed? Have we really forgotten the government paid spies to keep an eye on welfare recipients?

  2. Is our memory so short that we do not remember the 10 billion dollar debt laid on us by Devine and company? Let me assure you, this massive financial hole we are in did not come about because taxes were being increased. I hardly need mention the 2 1/2 million dollars in daily interest payments (on that debt) the Saskatchewan taxpayers have had to cough up since that administration was kicked out of office. So, why would we vote for more corporate tax cuts?

  3. "More business friendly labour legislation". What does this really mean? Like Devine, would a reduced minimum wage be business friendly? Are we about to see a replay of the attacks on wage earners during the Devine years? Who knows, maybe this time some 'right to work legislation', something big business has always wanted. The Saskatchewan Party is being very secretive about what this labour legislation is going to be. I know if I was still in the labour force, I would be getting worried right about now.

  4. The Herald article talked of reigning in our publicly owned corporations. It may be even worse than that. On my return to Saskatchewan I see by the Leader Post (Oct. 11/03) the Saskatchewan Party is still harboring plans to sell off what remains of our publicly owned businesses. Big time investors must be salivating with glee at the prospect of getting their hands on the Crown Jewels of Saskatchewan business. How can it possibly be a benefit to the people of Saskatchewan to have more of our profitable business fall into the hands of outsiders.

  5. And lastly. why should a business person not pay taxes on profits earned? Our tax dollars pay for many valuable services for all in this province, so why should a business person be handed an exemption from paying a fair share?

Joyce Neufeld



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