On February 13, during an emergency debate on livestock in the House of Commons, my MP David Anderson (Cypress Hills-Grasslands) wasted a good portion of his time in a personal attack on National Farmer's Union President Stewart Wells, implying that he (Anderson) knew personal details of how the Wells’ family market their grain through the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), giving the impression that he had personally researched Well’s sales with the CWB while making false statements about Wells’ CWB sales in the House.
Anderson did all this hiding behind Parliamentary immunity, (a usual ploy for Anderson)
Surprised! – Not really. Remember on May 6, 2005 Anderson stood before the House and accused the CWB of criminal activity on a grain sale to Iraq under the United Nations ‘Oil for Food’ programme (a claim long since proven false). Anderson never apologized for these false accusations nor has he had the intestinal fortitude to repeat his accusations outside of parliamentary immunity despite numerous opportunities to do so.
Over 60% of Anderson’s constituents voted for a confirmed single desk supporter for CWB Director. Only 13% of farmers voted for open market selling in the recent barley plebiscite.
For Anderson to continually make false accusations in the House, then hide behind parliamentary immunity is reprehensible and an insult to his constituents and the M.P.’s who conduct themselves in an honest and truthful manner.