With Apologies to Bobby McFerrin

Edmonton - Friday, May 31, 2002 - by: Ron Thornton

Here is just a little poem I wrote
As we try to keep the ship of state afloat
Don't worry, be happy.



Poor Jean and Alfonso, the media trash
Just be their friend and you'll get the cash
Don't worry. Whose your daddy?



Vote Liberal and know your role
Special interests and those on the dole
Want funding? Be happy.



Forget the subs and the whirlybirds
We'll fight our future wars with words
Don't worry, we're yappy



A cheap dollar makes tourists give
We're a nice place to visit, but not to live
You should worry, its crappy.



Hedy promoted BC in her special way
Why no defense for Art the other day?
Don't worry, we're dandy.



They fib and don't tell all they know
Our government looks like Pinnochio
Don't worry, or they're snappy



Some want our PM out, or so they sing
He'd quit tomorrow if we made him king
Don't worry, he'd be happy.



That's my poem, that's all she wrote
Our ship of state is a rowboat
Don't worry, be happy.



Ron Thornton


Music by Bobby McFerrin, Lyrics by Ron Thornton, vocal and edit by Timothy W. Shire