Harper's outrage not surprising.
West Bay, Nova Scotia - Friday, April 1, 2005 - by: Dr. Phyllis Wagg |
Stephen Harper's reaction to the selection of
two Progressive Conservative women for the Senate is in one sense expected
but in another surprising.
As an anti-federalist who supports the idea that Senators should be elected by provincial
governments, Harper's outrage is not surprising. It is not surprising that
he would find the selection of women, especially, women with concerns about the environment,
human rights, the poor, and women's rights, as "insulting." These
are not issues that are of central concern to the new Conservatives.
What is surprising is that Harper has finally acknowledged the virtual elimination
of Progressive Conservative values from the new Conservative Party.
Harper's response to the women's decision to sit as Progressive Conservatives
was to characterize that party name as: "usually a
euphemism now for people who support the Liberal Party federally." Progressive Conservatives, if there are still some
in the party, are obviously such as fringe element that they are invisible to the
professional wing of the party.
Many non-right-wing, moderate conservatives, saw the merger as a strategy meant to
destroy their influence in Canadian politics. Harper's assumption that this
group is now firmly entrenched in the Liberal Party federally may be wishful
With over 800,000 fewer votes for the new Conservative Party in the last election
it is clear that many former Progressive Conservative voters temporarily parked
their votes with the Liberals and other parties.
The temporary nature of that decision is illustrated by the gradual movement of Progressive
Conservatives to the Progressive Canadian Party, a registered federal
party ready to promote traditional conservative values of a strong federal government,
a wariness of American intentions (apparently not shared by Liberals
or Conservatives), fiscal conservatism, social order, and devotion to the
common good of all Canadians.
PH.D. History
References : |
Martin, Paul Prime Minister announces
appointments to the Senate, March 24, 2005, Office of the Prime Minister web
Canadian Press, Martin's
Senate appointees problematic for opposition parties, March 24, 2005, Canadian
Harper, Stephen, Martin
Senate appointments a "slap in the face" to democracy, Albertans - Harper,
March 24, 2005, Conservative web site
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