My Dad used to be a farmer

Coulter, Manitoba - April 9, 2000 - By: Meighan Bambridge

The following is the 4-H speech given by Meighan Bambridge of Coulter, Manitoba.

  My dad used to be a farmer.

a lot of changes

This past year my family has gone through a lot of changes. I wanted to share with you some of the things I miss about farming and my special memories.

a new

For 4-H speeches this year I was unsure what to write about, then I happened to be down at our corral when our one remaining cow had a surprise for us, she had a new calf. That calf brought back a flood of memories. We used to have cattle but went out of them a few years ago when we decided to put more crops in.

I miss
the cattle

I think I miss the cattle more then anything. Of course I didn't have to wake up in the middle of the night to check on them when they were calving or defend myself against a not-so-happy momma cow. I just liked to stand on the corral fence and watch the new calves play and go into the barn that was full of animals. I have pictures in my head. I remember there being snow on the ground and me running down to the barn. My cheeks and ears were freezing. The snow crunched beneath my feet as I ran. I opened the barn door. It was warm and was full of animals.

warm animals

My dad and grandpa were milking. My grandpa squirted milk in a dish for the cats. The barn smelled so good of warm animals and sweet hay.

sit in the barn

It makes me sad to know that my younger brothers and sister will never know how nice it was to sit in the barn on an old block of wood and talk about nothing with my dad and grandpa.


The barn is empty now except for mice and spiders and no one goes there.

he doesn't joke

I loved going in the tractor with my dad to feed grain to the cows. I didn't care how many times I hit my head on the back window. Dad would always say, "That didn't hurt," or "I didn't feel anything." He'd say that just to make me feel better, but he doesn't joke like that anymore.

meals to the fields

All my life spring and fall meant meals to the fields. We'd load up our van with food, coolers, table and chairs. My mom would go over her checklist. I'm sure we've picnicked in every field we ever farmed.

something special

There is something special about eating your food in the middle of a field. Even when the stubble scratched your legs (you learned not to wear sandals or shorts), and hosts of friendly, "little-no-see-ums," were there to bother.


I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. Meals were always with my dad, uncle, grandpa, people that helped us, and the rest of the family.


One year we had our Thanksgiving meal in the field! Hot turkey and all the trimmings. I think that was my favorite Thanksgiving meal.

looking like a porcupine

It was a beautiful day and even my aunt and little cousins were there. After we all had eaten, the kids got into a big straw fight--even my older brothers who were way old enough to "know better," --it seemed to me I ended up looking like a porcupine.

combine lights

I liked being able to look out my bedroom window and see our combine lights at night. I will miss that.

ran the combines

The last year we harvested my older brothers ran the combines. I know my dad was proud of them and the job they had done.

makes me sad

I won't have the chance to learn how to operate a combine nor will my younger brothers or sister. That makes me sad. My great-grandfather, grandfather, and dad all farmed. My brothers, and sister and I will not.

my dad

I guess what I miss more then anything about not farming is--my dad. His job, driving a semi means he is away a lot. I only get to see him on the weekends.

dad used to be

I hope there are some changes in the government so not so many more kids will have to say that my dad used to be a farmer--

Meighan Bambridge.

  Meighan Bambridge is twelve years old, our thanks to Edwin Wallace who passed this speech on to Ensgin so that we could share it with you.

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