
FTLComm - Tisdale - Monday, August 12, 2002

Landscaping architects have long drawn attention to the whole process of controlling light to produce the affects that seem to go with the buildings they design or the yards they create. Yesterday you saw a
remarkable yard and it was clear that it had been designed to be fully used after dark. From the street that yard is shown here. (right)

Every Christmas like most people I like to drive around and enjoy the home Christmas displays. It is not long ago that Christmas was the only time we put out decorative lighting in our yards but it is now common place with people using both low voltage lights and clear white lights that we might associate with a season.

This house across from the Beeland Co-op is an outstanding example of someone putting a lot of special lighting in their yard. It is used to trace

the walk and then to fully illuminate the deck and back yard. It is remarkable how this display of light highlights the plants and ornamentation that are a part of the whole back of the house.

The Maddison is an elegant condominium and all of one side is lit up with the lights on the Beeland Co-op

Several of Tisdale's churches have dramatic lighting to set off their buildings The Roman Catholic church has lights around the front of the building shining on the building and located in its steeple.