Uffe Vors receives his 10 year membership pen from Maureen Donald, Vice-President of the Tisdale Chapter of the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan
To hell with the bell, 2012
Tisdale - Friday, September 7, 2012
Tisdale Chapter of the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan met for breakfast at the Golf Course Lounge to celebrate the first day of classes on September 4. There was a lot of chatter as members caught up on the summer news.
In the absence of President Deanna Gruending, Vice-President Maureen Donald rang the bell and chaired the meeting. She welcomed everyone to a new year of activities. A moment of silence was observed in memory of the three members of the chapter who had passed away this year. Members picked up a copy of the newsletter as they came into the building so that they would be able to refer to it during the year to check planned activities, phone numbers, etc. Maureen then presented Uffe Vors with his ten year membership pen.
Secretary-Treasurer, Darlene McCullough commented on the financial report that was in the newsletter with a special comment regarding the charity donation to the school in El Salvador that the chapter is supporting. The chapter will be celebrating their 30th Anniversary on February 18, 2,013 so members were encouraged to make a special effort to attend this and to invite any teachers who had taught in the area during this time. She also reminded members of an information sheet she has compiled as to what needs to be done when a STS member dies. Anyone who had not received this or had misplaced the copy was invited to e-mail her requesting a copy.
After a second cup of coffee and some more socializing, the group left without a game of golf this year as the weather was not conducive to this.
