Cleaning the grain in Haiti on a woven screen by shaking and tossing in the air
Count your blessings
March 12, 2016
by: Richard Phillips
March 12, 2016
by: Richard Phillips

Admittedly, I am guilty of complaining here in Canada from time to time, but one only has to work elsewhere in the world to gain perspective of the very rich life we enjoy in Canada.
Richness can take many forms, not just material wealth.
It can mean we live in a very safe society where you can walk to a corner store, or walk in a park, or move about without having to hire a secure car and driver, and without constant danger of being robbed at gunpoint.
It means regular garbage pick-up, sewage systems that work and don't run outside down the street. It also means regular electrical power. Where that doesn't exist, refrigeration doesn't exist, lights in the evening in your home don't come on. Try unplugging your fridge and living for a week to see how most of the world lives.
Richness can mean that your children have access to education. K-12 is here for everyone at minimal cost. Student loans exist for post secondary. Whether you go or not, the opportunity exists and it is real.
Richness also means the chance to work in a career and make a living. That doesn't mean it will be easy, but the actual opportunities exist.
It also means access to affordable healthcare, where you can access a dentist, a chiropractor, a medical clinic or a hospital, a doctor, a nurse, or surgery in an emergency. I know many of us have complained over wait times, but again travel anywhere in the developing world and leave your all-inclusive resort to see how most of the world lives.
And count your blessings that you were given the opportunities you enjoy today, whether through being born here or being fortunate to immigrate here.
We really are in the top couple percentage points of quality of life in the world.
Complain less and be happy today !
Richard Phillips
(currently on a six month work assignment with USAID in and out of Haiti) .
Image top right shows the stick they use to beat the heads to get the grain out.
Image bottom right shows how they measure the grain to sell it.
Image bottom right shows how they measure the grain to sell it.