Provincial Good Sam "Samboree"
at Foam Lake
Foam Lake
Friday, June 13, 2014
by Timothy W. Shire

Foam Lake is hosting this year's camp out and have turned their fair grounds into a giant RV park with electricity available for about half of those in attendance. You can see the larger area that is the fair ground in the aerial image below. Our eight rigs are parked on the extreme east side of the field along the west side of the race track.


Below is the provincial executive of Saskatchewan Good Sam as they met in their final meeting for this year's Samboree.


It was truly fun to meet each contingent as they tended to arrive in their respective groups; a significant bunch from Sherwood Park near Edmonton, folks from Kamloops, a Manitoba group who had just had their Samboree in Carmen last week, Prince Albert, Swift Current, Battleford, Moose Jaw, Regina and Saskatoon all blending in with Yorkton, Weyburn and Swift Current.


Most Good Sam members, where ever they come from, are retired, but there are some who are still in the work force, but the important thing is, they come from all walks of life, with backgrounds and stories from every profession and trade. It is the main feature of the Samboree, meeting and sharing in the experiences of this huge wealth of people and their interesting lives. With that in mind, so many of the activities focus on and are directed toward, giving everyone a chance to mingle and share time with one another.
Below are some scenes Judy Shire captured looking around the Samboree.

It is Friday evening as I put these pictures together for you and there are still two more days left. Tomorrow begins with a pancake breakfast and the whole events wraps up early Sunday morning with an interfaith worship service and the closing ceremony.
Earlier today there was a remarkable craft and vendor sale. Below are some picture of the displays and the folks involved.
Earlier today there was a remarkable craft and vendor sale. Below are some picture of the displays and the folks involved.