Conservative Party of Canada
must be held accountable |
Victoria, B.C., January 10, 2007, by : Eugene Parks |
The Harper Tories’ recent written admission that they broke election law is bad enough. Their attempt to cover their tracks by altering the Accountability Act - to make their illegal act legal - was shameless. Now their new accounting submission to Election Canada raises a further serious question that must be addressed.
The New Government of Canada’s latest submission acknowledges two (2) sets of tax receipts have been issued for the one convention. There are delegates that will have received one set of tax receipts from their constituency offices and another set from their national headquarters - for the same event.
Six months ago, columnist Barbara Yaffe put knowledge of the existing constituency-issued tax receipts on the front page of the Vancouver Sun. Harper's henchmen knew constituency-receipts already existed. In point of fact, Yaffe's article was responded to. In writing to the Vancouver Sun the New Conservative Party fully acknowledged that the constituency offices had issued receipts. They knew this then, they know it now - and yet, a second set of receipts for the same event was issued.
Why? For the sake of appearances with Elections Canada and the public, national books and receipts (regardless of the accounting facts and records at the constituency level) have been jury rigged. Two sets of records were created to look good in a vain attempt to not be held accountable for breaking election laws.
Providing two sets of tax receipts is accounting fraud and the Conservative Party of Canada must be held accountable.
Eugene Parks |
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