Barrak Obama will tomorrow lead the United States based on a message of hope after years of terrorist generated fear.
We saw evil on September 11, 2001. A few suicidal insane psychopaths plotted to hurt us all. They killed three thousand people and caused $100 billion in immediate financial damage. Their goal was to incite fear and turn us on ourselves. They temporarily succeeded.
Laws were passed that extended the control of the government over peoples' lives - in the name of Homeland Security. Armed patrol boats were placed on the Great Lakes. Open borders were constricted, sometimes so tightly as to functionally close them. The US engaged in war on two countries, losing thousands of lives and amassing $10 trillion in debt without being able to withdraw. The resulting fiscal chaos now rivals the issues of the Great Depression.
Our leaders failed to see that fear is for immediate flight or fight responses - and that is all. Righteous anger and fear based reactions are not enough.
For our own long-term well-being, we must embrace the politics of hope. Hope is the only well from which true planning and problem-solving action spring.