The Greenwater
Report for DEcember 7, 2004
December 5th, 2004: About –18° when I got up this
morning, and it hasn’t come up more than a few degrees ever since. It has been overcast,
but without much wind, and it snowed for most of the afternoon. The snow is welcome
What a roller-coaster weather-wise! From -26° Tuesday night to +5° on Friday,
with high winds, dead calm, sun, cloud and snow thrown in. I think it even rained
a bit on Friday. The snow went down quite a bit, leaving ice in its place. Time for
cautious driving!
Yesterday afternoon, Doreen got home from three days in Saskatoon with
our daughters. She tells me there is no snow in Saskatoon, and no ice. Summer
driving conditions! She saw very little snow on the way home, so I guess we have
most of it.
Work is under way on the TV tower. We drove by there on Thursday, and they were up
about 100 feet. They can’t work in a wind, so I suspect that is what has been holding
them back. By yesterday afternoon, we could see it sticking up above the trees from
the highway, so they must be up a good 200 feet.
That high wind Friday night swept a good part of the lake clear of snow. I walked
out a couple hundred yards and over to the Marina. The surface wasn’t smooth
as it had been earlier, but was coarsely pebbled. I found the odd smooth patch okay
to walk on, but the pebbled parts were treacherous! I guess that’s why they pebble
curling ice. There was a bit of moaning and there were cracks all over, but none
leaking water. In places, I could see the sides of cracks, and it looked as if the
ice is eight inches or more thick. I was still nervous!
Some pressure ridges had formed, with the ice pushed up a foot or more - real ski-breakers!
The ridges caught snow, so were visible from a long way off.
Going into the Marina, there was a huge beaver lodge in the reeds on the north
side, just a few feet in from the channel. The feed bed extended halfway across the
channel. Several people had mentioned a couple of big beaver being sighted near the
Marina. The lodge was a good four feet high so maybe that’s an indication
of lots of snow.
Haven’t seen any sign of fishing activity on the ice,
but I heard George Renneberg has been out a couple of times. He likes to fish
off the point, where the picnic table used to be. I’m not sure if he ever catches
anything, but he never quits trying.
Still no sign of life around the Cove, but the coffee crowd hasn’t been going
dry. We meet at each other’s houses twice a week for coffee and conversation, and
to catch up on the local doings.
Our sympathies to Linda Lizitza. I talked to Lorinda in Porcupine
the other day and she told me Linda fell and broke her ankle. Not just a simple
break either - sounds like they had to reconstruct the ankle and she has to stay
completely off it for a long, long time. Coming on top of Lloyd’s accident,
which he is still recovering from, it’s bad luck they don’t need. Fortunately, Lorinda
was able to come home to help out.
We went to the dinner theater in Archerwill last night. A wonderful meal,
and a very cute play, titled “Captain Fantastic”. It ran Friday night, too, and because they sold out both
nights they held a third showing this afternoon. Pretty impressive acting!
Brian Shuya is still hard at work cleaning out the brush around the core area;
now they are hauling it away. It looks bare now, but once leafed out it will be much
more attractive, and safer, too.
Doreen & Jerry Crawford
Box 1000, Porcupine Plain, SK, S0E 1H0
telephone (306) 278-2249
fax (306) 278-3423
http://www.greenwaterreport.com/ |
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
306 873 2004