Saskatchewan Express at Greenwater
FTLComm - Greenwater Lake - Thursday, July 14, 2011

They called this year’s tour the 2011 Red Hot Summer Tour and the hour long show had lots of red hot numbers. This is the first year they are travelling with a proper stage with lighting and great sound system. What this excellent setting gave to this year’s performance was lost by the “T” shirt and peddle pusher pants costumes. Last year they looked and dressed like first rate stage performers, this year they definitely carried off the act but the casual costumes made the show look like a rehearsal. In years past there were costume changes and the dancers had a different look than the rest of the cast but this year no costume changes and everyone looked equally bad.

The poor costumes did not destroy a great show and the huge crowd on hand on a very chilly 19ºC beach lawn were warmed by the enthusiasm of the performance.
Several numbers from the TV show “Glee” and even a rap number this year with some true gems. A powerful spiritual number, a wistful rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and some killer dance moves by both the dancers and the really made this a great show.

I have put together a bit of video to give you some flabour of the 2011 show but you can still catch a performance as they are on the road for the rest of this month.
Friday, July 15, Katepwa
Saturday, July 16, Moose Jaw RM’s 100 birthday
Sunday, July 17, Cypress Hills Park
Friday, July 22, Melfort Fair
Sunday, July 31, Pelly’s 100th anniversary
August 3 to 7 at the Exhibition in Regina
August 17 at Battleford’s Northwest Territorial Days