Editors Note:
Carey Heilman is a disabled individual who has engaged in a valiant struggle with the Saskatchewan Workman's Compensation Board over his disability and the cause of others facing the similar indifference of this agency.
If the General is an improvement, please stop this improving!!


the directions by the main entrance there is no listing for Maternity Ward


Regina General, has helped to provide a place where no one would ever be able to find a freind or family member that was a patient


"there is nothing we can do about it"

November 8, 1998
By: Carey Heilman

So I decided that I would make another trip to the General Hosp. Actually my wife wanted to visit our friends who just had a baby.

The disabled parking spots are near emergency, and if you read the signs only for emergency. I thought to hell with this, I am not going to walk twenty-five miles to get into the hospital and another twenty-five miles while in the hospital, through an impossible maze of hallways, to get to the Maternity Ward. By the way, when you look at the directions by the main entrance there is no listing for Maternity Ward. But there is a lot of tech. type jargon, that a doctor could figure out where stuff was, uhuh, uhuh, uhuh,.

I could not imagine an older person making there way around there. Good thing older folks don't need hospitals, even better that older people don't have freinds and family that would want to visit them. Usually sick people do not want visitors, and the Regina General, has helped to provide a place where no one would ever be able to find a freind or family member that was a patient, so this system is really working out well for patients, and their families who never want to visit those in need of health care.

To summerize; you can't get near the Hospital. Then you can't find your way around the hospital. Oh yeah, there are only two entrances, and they are extremely difficult to get to.

So we went in the emergency entrance, which was horrific to see. There were people everywhere, there were people in the hallways, blocking entrances and narrow corridors. There were people coming in on stretchers from out of town, who were lost. There were these tiny little room with no place for family or caregivers to sit. I guess those scared little children don't need loved ones hanging around them, and disturbing them.

I could not be quiet about what I saw, I had to say something, as soon as I saw a staff member I said, " this hospital is a disgrace", she agreed, but said the usual, "there is nothing we can do about it"! My wife was angry at me for saying this. Her thoughts were that it was not her fault. I said to my wife, yes it is, and it is your fault and my fault as well.

If the General is an improvement, please stop this improving!!

I could not believe my eyes, there were people in these little rooms, with only enough room for one visitor at best, and old folks in the corridors, with loved ones standing beside them.

I wanted to scream!!!

I hope you all go there and take a look around. Don't take my word for it.
