In the school year 1945 - 46 the is the Tisdale High School Newspaper staff. The fellows in the back row are Murray Luck, Kenneth Fowler, Gordon Caughlin and Cecil Howey and he young women in the front row were Mary McKechnie, Mary Stochers, Elaine Leifer and Isabel Down
From the pages of "Purple and Gold"
1945 - 46
Tisdale, Friday, December 5, 2014, by Ken Styan
My oldest sister recently passed away and while going through some of her stuff; her daughter came across a 1945-46 Tisdale High School Yearbook.
I thought the Valedictorian; Mary McKechnie did an excellent job and specifically, the final summation, wherein she refers to WW11; which had just ended.
Below is Mary McKechnie's valedictory address.
I thought the Valedictorian; Mary McKechnie did an excellent job and specifically, the final summation, wherein she refers to WW11; which had just ended.
Below is Mary McKechnie's valedictory address.

As we walk through the hallways adorned with the hard-earned trophies of many years, we fill our minds with a storehouse of memories that will last a lifetime. The Shield for drama is a symbol of many hours of tedious practice under the careful and patient instruction of Miss Craig. The Hockey Cup reminds us of the teams who strained every muscle for the precious goals when they were urged on by an enthusiastic cheering section. Here and there are Certificates awarded for the musical ability of the students.
We remember with joy the literary society programs presented by the four Grades, each trying to outdo the other in a display of abilitys.
Here is a central position is the Honour Roll, listing the names of former graduates who have paid the supreme sacrifice that we may graduate into a peaceful world.
But now - 'Farewell." During our School years many lasting friendships have been formed. We, as pioneers, have established precedents for those who are to come - in drama, cadet work and sports. We hope that the publication of the Year Book and of the High School paper will continue in coming years as they have in the last two.
To our instructors we are indebted for their boundless patience and careful leadership. May we be worthy of the opportunities which they have given to us that we may tread new paths of life = paths which are golden with opportunity, and are made easier by the lives of those who have gone before us.
Our Grade XII class, like those of the past six years, will graduate to the joyous ringing of peace bells. The war shattered the dreams and many lives of the former graduates who, through sacrifice, have dearly won the peace for us. It is our duty to keep it. We must. through attempting to understand rather than misunderstand; by valuing the things that unite rather than those that divide; by levelling the barriers of raced, creed and colour, pledge ourselves to create an era of justice, peace, and truth/ This is our precious heritage.
The eloquent Mary McKechnie, editor of the Newspaper and Yearbook put down her thoughts shown below as the "editor's comments.

I wish to thank everyone who has helped by literary contributions, canvassing and compiling. Thanks are also due to the business people and citizens who so generously aided us.
As the hour of departure draws near we have thoughts intend with pleasure and tainted with sorrow. For some of us it marks the close of our school days. As we throw the torch to those who will be here next year, we give them very best wishes and we hope they will carry on with a determination to uphold the high ideals of Tisdale High School.
"What's the idea of stopping in the middle of the park?" came the indignant voice of Garth Homer from the back of the cab.
"Didn't I hear the young lady holler 'Stop'?" asked the hack.
"Get on with it," replied Garth, "She wasn't talking to you."