--Churchill Grade Eleven Psychology Links

FTLComm - Tisdale - November 15, 1999
Timothy W. Shire

The grade eleven psychology class in La Ronge's Churchill School is about to do some research papers on various topics that have reviewed up until now. Most members of the class have already selected topics with the exception of those who were absent Friday and did not have the opportunity to note their individual topic choice. Today in the third period they will each go to a computer and begin their online research.

Below are each student's selected topics and some suggested sites to check out. These sites have all been reviewed and visited so the whole process of doing the online research should be accelerated In order to create these links the Macintosh system search engine "Sherlock" was used to go and query the various search engines on the net rather then actually manually going to the search engines themselves. If you are using a Macintosh that does not have System 8.5 or later you will not have Sherlock available but you can achieve similar results by used "search agents" rather then search engines. Many of these are available and they perform the task of looking through the search engines and seeing what is there. One of the best of these is Metafind.

The comments made by the reviewer of these sites are printed here in italics.


When doing research on line it is important to master the art of "Swipery". In most browsers you can use your cursor to highlight important text or whole passages, command "C" then then command "V" them into a desktop note pad or text document you are creating to take notes.


The second skill is "sourcery" here you simply use the browsers menu and get the page's source select all (command "A") the copy the material (command "C") and paste in a new text document. By doing this you have captured the whole web page you are looking at.

Save "As"ery

Just use the file menu of your browser and save a page you are viewing to a file you are developing on your research topic.

---------------Chrysie - Topic - Memory

-----------------David - Topic - Long Term Memory

----------------Kylerr - Topic - Short Term Memory

John Boy Walton - Topic - Long and Short Term Memory

CNN Health Page - Drug Treatment may spur memory recall -
(June of 99)This is an interesting and practical article about drugs that may enhance a person's memory but more importantly the article has some interesting references well worth checking out.
CNN Asia Now - Time article from September 13, 1999 issue the cover story.
Brain research on mice has turned up some genetic evidence that might determine the nature of how memories are formed.
CNN - : Ethical debate over potential 'Viagra for the mind' - March 11, 1999
By Garrick Utley CNN Contributor March 11, 1999 Web posted at: 10:01 a.m. EST (1501 GMT) This news analysis was written for CNN Interactive. The article has pictures and current research information as well of as a couple of interesting references.
CNN - Rat study suggests motherhood improves memory - November 11, 1999
In rats, at least, motherhood may sharpen the mind. Researchers at the University of Richmond say hormones produced by rats during pregnancy, Outstanding article only a few days old with excellent references to related sources of information on this and similar topics.
CNN - Study finds high level of stress hormone impairs memory - August 19, 1998
Memory loss during stressful situations can be blamed on an elevated level of a hormone affected by anxiety, researchers say. This excellent article discusses how factors can impair memory functions. The page has a reference to the following site. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory - Watch out for this page, it is part of the American Psychological Association and is a very academic site, however the information is available on line in various articles published in their journal. It is actually a webvertisement for their $600 per year subscription to their publication. On top of that it is only accessible for certain parts of the day.
USA Today - Memory loss prompts woman to stop treatment
This is a brief article from this popular magazine and has links to related stories. Might be worth pursuing.
Unlocking the Secrets of Memory Dr. Larry R. Squire
This is an academic lecture presented at the internationally renowned Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California but has some straightforward information about the capacity to learn, and structure of the brain
The Fragile Power of Human Memory Dr. Daniel L. Schacter -
Like the reference above this is also an academic lecture presented at the internationally renowned Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California. Though academic this lecture has practical examples and draws on the real life practice of Doctor Schacter from Toronto.
Making and Preserving Memories Dr. James L. McGaugh
Like the reference above this is also an academic lecture presented at the internationally renowned Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California.

Dr. James L. McGaugh is the Founding Director of the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory and Research Professor of Psychobiology at UC Irvine. A member of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. McGaugh is internationally recognized for his research on drug and hormone influences on memory.

The World of Psychology Second Canadian Edition - memory experiment,
here is a practical experiment to try out yourself interesting and informative. The site actually is a full textbook on psychology and the whole contents including a whole lot of experiments and research tools are on line to see what is there go to the links page and under memory there is more than anyone needs to know. (Prentice Hall publishers)
1st SPOT Psychology
This is a link list of various psychology sites. the reference below was one of those I selected at random to see what they were like. This is an excellent site with material sorted by topic.
A Theory of Learning and Memory:
Popular Account by Edmund Furse University of Glamorgan This web site is a rather complete account of the history and theory of memory and is written in a manner that you can handle. The material is thorough and covers pretty much the whole field.
Learning and Memory II Chapter 8 by Bloom and Lazerson -
This is an interesting way to research a topic but for some might be the way to go. This is a series of slides from a presentation so that each one is a diagram or illustration making a point about memory. Even without the associated speech that would have been part of the presentation this material is useful and useable. One cool way to use this would be copy the slides that are of interest or relative to your topic and use them to illustrate the material you produce.
Learning and Memory - What do we remember?
This is a great little article with super examples however, the page does not have a reference as to the author, but nevertheless the material is straightforward and easy to understand.
AmoebaWeb - Dr. Douglas Degelman, Professor of Psychology University of Southern California -
This is a collection of material and links to sites with the material available on various memory related topics. Good stuff, readable and not written for academics.

Adam P - topic - Shock Therapy

Dr. Renato M. E. Sabbatini Phd. The History of Shock Therapy in Psychiatry -
This is an authoritative and illustrated article that gives both sides of the issue with many linked references. Sabbatini is a Brazillian professor with outstanding credentials and yet he tells this story clearly and in a manner we can all understand. Best source found on this topic.

Electroshock Therapy has been for some time a very seriously debated issue with most modern psychiatrists and psychologists pretty much opposed to the practice but there are still clinics who perform the treatment and there are still people who are permanently damaged as a result. Here is a site to which I can not determine the author but I suspect it has been done by a concerned individual opposed to this form of treatment. The material is definitely worth taking a look at even if it just to try and figure out some of the reasons the therapy is carried out and why so many find it so repulsive.

USA Today - Memory loss prompts woman to stop treatment
This is a brief article from this popular magazine and has links to related stories. Might be worth pursuing. The page has a great link to a list of similar articles that have appeared in this publication
Lawrence Stevens - Psychiatry's Electroconvulsive SHOCK TREATMENT A Crime Against Humanity -
Though emotional in nature it is important that a person check out the strongly felt arguments of those opposing shock therapy.

Here is another very strongly worded but authenticated site with examples and spells out the actual damage done by the practice.

by Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon:(Creators Syndicate, 1995) Here is an opposing view of the treatment pointing out the positive results it has for victims of serious depression.

Here is a clinical review of the research into the use and affects of Electroshock therapy with references to the sources so one can assume that it is authentic and should be considered as a primary source. The material is readable and thorough covering a wide range of serious negative affects produced by the treatment and the material is current .(May 1998)

Lisa Crosby - Electroshock Therapy (Eye Magazine 1995)
This article discusses the modern applications of this therapy and is rather positive toward it especially with regard to the costs involved.
A well documented and determined article deals with the reasons for the ending of this form of treatment.
The Dark Site of Psychiatry -
A web site that has links to a wide rang of sites opposing ECT (Electo-convulsive therapy)
This article explains that women are more likely to receive this sort of therapy and goes on to explain the extremely damaging affects of the treatment.
Shock Therapy & Me (a personal essay) by Susan W.
This is a first person description of the therapy and the effects it had on this person. This is a primary source and as such is extremely important when doing research.

Jeff - Topic - Social Psychology

This is a very broad topic, in fact it is a whole field of study or sub-category within the academic realm of psychology just as behavioural psychology, educational psychology or developmental psychology. Source on such a topic are extremely general since the person undertaking the study has not sufficiently refined what they want to research or look into the topic is very much an open book.

SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY MAX WEBER: Basic Terms (The Fundamental Concepts of Sociology)
Definitions of Sociology and Social action: Sociology is a science which attempts the interpretive understanding of social ...Date: 21 Jun 1995,  - Everything has to have a start someplace and Max Weber (pronounced "Vabber") is the founder of the science. This great article complete on this site is the essence of the field of study and pretty much sets out the principles that all of the subsequent work would follow.
On the Psychology web site they have a nice set of links to sources on Social Psychology that might help find a related topic.
Allyn & Bacon - Sociology Links - Social Psychology -
This is an excellent set of links to various sociology sites.
Social Cognition Paper Archive and Information Center Maintained by Eliot R. Smith, Purdue University -
In 1996 the American Psychology Association stopped the publishing of complete research papers on the Internet so this site only has summaries of various documents, however that is still sufficient to point a person doing research on this wide field, toward the area on which they wish to focus.
PsychNet-UK Social Psychology -
This is another link page with a series of recent articles on specific and general topics in sociology.
Internet resources for Social Psychology -
This list of links includes many of the same links as others listed here but is a comprehensive list with topics, collections, and journals all listed.
Social Psychology Archives -
Jumping off place for social psychology. This public noncommercial site shows links to social psychology-related resources available on the Internet. This list was updated on October 30, 1999 by Karsten Schwarz. The topics linked to here are specific and yet it also has links to online documents, journals, software and search engines in the field. Schwarz is a masters student at the University of Zurich but also has a masters degree in law.
In approaching the problem of why some people do certain things, psychologists (see Wesleyan's Social Psychology Network) are inclined to give greater attention to the bearing of thought processes, ...  Date: 18 Dec 1998, This is an introduction site into the field with links to various sites and a method of feedback.

Kristin Longpre - Topic - The Mind

Interesting topic but problematic as we have to make assumptions as to what is being referred to, generally in speech people use the term mind to suggest some wholeness or the complete being of one's thoughts and thought processes. This presents an interesting problem because few people are very much aware of their own thoughts and when probed we find that most people are even less sure of any one thing especially the concept of a single being within them that might be described as their "mind".

CNN - In-Depth Health: The marijuana-mind connection (Sept 19, 1996)
Today, many people have a casual attitude about marijuana. They regard it as a mild, short term high. But according to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical ... Though not directly related to what we might consider the mind it is true that people refer to marijuana more then other drugs as "mind altering" assuming that the whole thought process is altered by the use of the drug, this article really takes a look at modern research on the topic as well as offering some good links to research into the topic.
CNN - Mental muscles flexed at Mind Sports Olympiad - August 24, 1997
Men and women of exceptional brain power took part in the first-ever Mind Sports Olympiad in London. The Gold went to Dominic O'Brien, who emerged as the overall ... This is an interesting article as it shows with pictures as well as sound and text some of the aspects of this "mind" competition.
CNN - Mind-body medicine for stress - June 2, 1999
Western medicine has long operated under the assumption that the mind and body are distinct and separate entities with limited effect upon one another. Western doctors apply this notion when ... Perhaps more an article of interest rather then research on the mind but once again it uses the concept of a person in totality
Journal of Mind and Behavior
Summary: The Journal of Mind and Behavior is an educational and professional journal dedicated to the interdisciplinary approach within psychology and related fields - building upon the assumption of a unified science. JMB is interested in: the psychology, philosophy, and sociology of experimentation and the scientific method; the relationship between methodology, operationism, and theory... This site will give you some idea of the importance of connecting the idea of "mind" to a philosophical rather then purely scientific concept. Click on the contents of back issues and you will discover the sorts of topics that are covered in back issues of this journal and it become clear that the concept of mind is important but very difficult to define.
Definitions of Psychology
Summary: The students of General Psychology 1012, Valencia Community College, East Campus, Orlando, FL, U.S.A., present "Definitions of Psychology": Here is a great little web site that will help a person sort things out. Through its relatively short life there really are not a lot of important trends but those that have come and stayed have changed the way we think about the way we think. Check this one out because the great minds of psychology are identified here.

Jenny Wilkins - Topic - Anorexia

CNN - Media may feed weight problems of teen-aged girls - November 14, 1999
This is a remarkable story dealing with eating disorders and with it are references to similar stories and sources for related information.
WebMD search results of 'Anorexia clinic' -
this is a search engine for medical conditions and if you go to this site you will get this huge list of possible sites to check out.
Anorexia - Information about eating disorders: anorexia and bulemia -
This site is sponsored by NOAH (New York Online Access To Health) so as a public information site this is not a company just trying to sell some quack program, which there are many. The site has loads of information and is current with links to other informative sites.
Anorexia Nervosa - Anorexia Nervosa -
on Internet Mental Health Diagnostics, drugs & therapy, causes ASED Members Anred, Inc. -nonprofit organization providing free and low cost information about eating disorders. Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Association, Home Page.. This is a set of links to various organisations and information sites related to eating disorders.
Ability's_Anorexia_Page - Anorexia Page Play Cantina -- Or Select Another Title A.B.N.A. -
Anorexia Bulimia Nervosa Association Information on organizations and support groups. Activity Anorexia Anorexia And Bulimia Suffers Families . Anorexia Articles, discussion groups.. This site is similar to the one above with a list of links to various nonprofit help, information and assistance programs.
Anorexia - Information and Guidance for Friends and Family
The story of my sister's battle with Anorexia. Full of other sites with other information on eating disorders. Also includes built in links to Clinics, Books, Mailing Lists, On-line  Date: 13 Oct 1998,  - First hand stuff, Cheryl A. Wildes site briefs you on the disorder and then has worked out a great list of links for all the directions this study can take you. This is not a cheerful topic.
Strep Infection Causes Anorexia
One type of anorexia could follow an infection of strep throat, according to this Doctor's Guide article. This article was published in 1997 and though the publication seems authentic I would take this one with a grain of salt unless you see more evidence relating to causes that confirm this theory.
Recovering From Anorexia
Read this woman's tale of recovery and her advice for sufferers of anorexia. This first hand account is the sort of thing that really is credible and you will find this one is excellent including the practical things that worked successfully as well as the links to resources and help.
Genetic Basis of Anorexia Nervosa
Compelling article discusses the evidence that anorexia is partly inherited. A more credible source then one sited earlier, this article was written in January of 98.
CNN Transcript - Sunday Morning News: Are Children Exposed to More Pressure in the '90s? - ...
Aired November 14, 1999 - 8:35 a.m. ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. KYRA PHILLIPS, CNN ANCHOR: Does it -CNN can get material out quickly and this is a great example of an interview that reports concern about pressure on young people and the possible effect that pressure might have.

Here is a neat check list for a person to see if they might be a victim of an eating disorder, created by CNN it is a single page and loaded with important facts.

CNN - Program addresses struggle with self-mutilation - January 18, 1998
LEMONT, Illinois (CNN) -- They are teens who burn themselves with acid, cut themselves, bang their heads against walls or dig pens in their legs. They are suffering from a ... Though not directly related to the condition this article deals with an unsettling condition that we sometimes see and some medical clinicians consider self mutilation to be somehow partly related to eating disorders.
CNN - Cameras increasingly turn on Sweden's royals - December 10, 1997
Her poise was regal, her smile charming. But Crown Princess Victoria's appearance at a ball last month had many Swedes distressed. The princess in 1996, and at a ball last ... This sort of article brings the real situation to our attention, not because of the person's elevated station in life but one would think a princess could care less what people think of her figure.
CNN - Love your body and feel sexy, too - August 16, 1999
Most women can remember an instance of making love in the dark, wearing an oversized T-shirt to bed, or otherwise turning sex into an exercise in camouflage. When the lights go ... Once again this article is not directly related to the topic but it is related to what many believe to be one of the most important causes for people to be unhappy about themselves. It is a good article.
CNN - A Return to Modesty - March 22, 1999
From anorexia to date-rape, from our utter inability to feel safe on the streets to stories about stalking and stalkers, from teenage girls finding themselves miserably pregnant to ... Though not directly about the topic this is a super article on human development and the state of affairs women and all people find themselves in. It is a long essay, don't bother looking at it unless you want to make it the focus of your research paper. This one article has it all and it would be interesting for you to reflect upon it and validate or contradict the theories and observations in this thorough discussion.
CNN - Research indicates chemical could be risk factor for bulimia- October 15, 1998
PITTSBURGH (AP) -- People who suffer from bulimia may be born with a brain chemistry imbalance that leaves them prone to eating disorders, according to a new study. ... Interesting causative article dealing with genetic factors in this eating disorder.
CNN - Chemical malfunction plays role in bulimia, researchers say - February 14, 1999
A new study adds to evidence that the eating disorder bulimia springs at least in part from a chemical malfunction in the brain and not merely from excessive desire to ... Notice in this article the scientists have identified a specific chemical to be playing a role in this problem.

Adam Savidan - Topic - Hunger Motivation

Tracy Brechbuehl - Topic - weight management

Why We Eat What We Eat - Elizabeth D. Capaldi -
A web site advertising a book about the psychology of eating. Not much use to you but this is a tricking topic.
Prescription Medications for the Treatment of Obesity
Prescription Medications for the Treatment of Obesity. Obesity is a chronic disease that affects many people and often requires long-term treatment to promote and sustain weight loss. As in other ... Date: 16 Oct 1998,    A technical and authoritative account of using medicine to treat weight problems. This article is a year old so it already is no longer considered current.
Appetite is generally one of the top entries on my list of things not to worry about. The instinctive desire for food (OK, hunger) is second only to thirst as a motivator for human action. If a child is hungry, he ... Date: 2 Feb 1999, Though this article deals from a medical standpoint with childhood and if a child is really hungry it is an interesting discussion on the topic, but it is about kids.
CNN - Health Briefs - Jan. 4, 1996 January 4, 1996
Web posted at: 6:55 a.m. EST Powerful appetite suppresser found in mammal brains LONDON (CNN) -- British scientists say a substance found in the brains of all mammals is proving to be a ... Just a four line article on a rat study.
CNN - Hormone may be weight-control breakthrough - January 30, 1998
BOSTON (CNN) -- Researchers have found that extra doses of a naturally occurring hormone can reduce people's appetites, possibly opening up a new way to fight the ... GLP-1 is the drug that they are referring to in this article based on Danish research.

Ashley - Topic - Sexual Motivation

--Steve - Topic - Sexual Motivation

Because human sexuality is without a doubt one of the most important topics anyone can consider it is fraught with considerable emotionality, prejudice and an amazing lack of factual and scientific discussion. One might describe the topic as a "ten foot poll" issue because everyone is so concerned about dealing with it inappropriately. When I put the search engines to work on this one, one of the first things to come up was a "Policy statement concerning discussion with and education of children and youth about issues of human sexuality." I urge you to go and check out the site and the extensive discussion that relates to the mere discussion of the topic. The size and extent of this site tells you how important the topic is yet at the same time takes out the ten foot pole and puts it in the hands of everyone who wants to talk about the topic.

To safely navigate the topic and not dance around it superficially,you have to get right into exactly what area you want to focus upon and deal with it with an open mind and total curiousity. But it is terribly important to confine your work to significant and definable areas. The term sexual motivation is often considered more of a moral issue then a psychological one and most scientists would agree that it is not exactly psychological at all but biological and perhaps even more anthropological But no matter what direction you take controversy is a certainty. Every issue related to sexuality is moralised and politicised even sexual education is a hot potato.

CNN - In-Depth Health: Parenting - Teens
Puberty can be an exciting and trying time for both children and parents. It's a time of physical and emotional changes that families often find difficult to discuss. Here's a list ... Though the sources or links are excellent there are only five, this tells volumes about the issue.
The Kinsey Institute for research in sex, gender and reproduction -
Their home page links to the real academic research this institution has been performing since 1947
AmoebaWeb - Gender and Sexuality -
This is a list of twenty-seven articles on specific topics, no fooling around here this is the real stuff.
CNN - Love your body and feel sexy, too - August 16, 1999
Most women can remember an instance of making love in the dark, wearing an oversized T-shirt to bed, or otherwise turning sex into an exercise in camouflage. When the lights go ... Once again this article is not directly related to the topic but it is related to what many believe to be one of the most important causes for people to be unhappy about themselves. It is a good article.

Time has made it impossible to complete this project and I am forced to abandon Matt, Chris Heppner and Tanya Louise Campbell.

Matt's topic is an especially interesting one "sensory deprivation" which of course was discovered during the Korean conflict to be an outstanding method of "so-called" "brain washing" research into it has been mostly classified as a military secret and it has been known to have been used in both clinical studies and military applications, so good luck with that one Matt.

Chris Heppner wants to look into "parapsychology" and like Tanya's topic even doing simple searches on these is to overwhelming, both have to be narrowed down so that you know what it is that you are going for. The study of phenomena like "remote viewing" and "telepathy" have been activity pursued by military and academic research around the globe and a good deal of what has been learned has not been shared or validated, it is unlikely that it will ever be because of the misuse of such capabilities pose a major threat to security, politically and financially.

Drug abuse is loaded with good and attainable research but you have to go at it in a specific manner. By far the most common and serious problems with drug abuse are with pharmaceutical prescribed medicines being used inappropriately. Elvis Prestly, Marilyn Munroe, and hundreds of other famous and not so famous folks have died from medicines obtained with their doctor's prescriptions. Recreational drugs, though a threat, are simply not on the scale of dangerous substances, when compared to cigarette smoking that kills thousands upon thousands. Please consider what aspect you want to work on, because drug abuse is just not a topic.