Mild Winter Day Ends

FTLComm - Kinistino - January 16, 1999  
The prairie sunset Friday afternoon was confusing in some areas as there was some precipitation. Fortunately it was in the form of snow but earlier in the day some areas had experienced some freezing rain. However, this picture was taken around 6:00 and the temperature was hovering around the 0 mark but the highway was still warm from the day's sunlight and was wet, thus explaining the dirty windshield on the FTLComm van.

These pictures show the precipitation off to the left of the scene and clearer skies to the Northwest. Though this seems like unusal weather it really is not that out of the ordinary as large warm air masses can and do often move across North America during the winter and their interaction with the cold arctic air result in the snowfall. This system is from a giant low pressure area located in Northern Alberta.