FTLComm - Tisdale - August 6, 1999
It was a gloomy morning as the day began here in Tisdale today. The low scud promised rain and the town digging crew went for coffee.
The paving crew came back to town this morning to do up some parking lots, as you can see here they are finishing up the Subway parking lot and rolled over the Liquor Board store a few minutes later to finish that project up.
I thought these folks made bulldozers, engines for semi tractor units and electrical power units but here is proof of diversification and the Cat company expands its agricultural products from field tractors to combines.
Man's best friend, you bet, this is a "sacred dog" he is aware of Tisdale's well mannered drivers and knows that the vehicles will simple detour around him. I talked to him about this but he was one of those silly "I love everybody" type dogs and wanted to show me how much he respected me. Quite simply I told him to get up off his back and have more self respect. His response was to lay down in the middle of the street.