Tenth Year Reunion

FTLComm - Melfort - February 16, 2001
In the summer of 1991 it was graduation time for this Melfort eighteen year olds, they were told about what a big step they were taking in their lives and all the wonders and opportunities that lay ahead of them. The facts of the matter are that all that hog wash that comes out during graduation is remarkably dilute compared to just how important a juncture this was in each person's life.

Les Wright and his wife live in Burlington Ontario and he was a graduating member of the Melfort Class of 91. To keep in touch with those people with he and they shared their lives with in those three momenteous years of high school, Les has put together a great web site that has pictures from then and stories from now. Like all good things this web site stands on its own, you don't need to know any of these young people to appreciate their adventures and how their lives have move onward through these past ten years. Now they are twenty-eight year olds, some have changed careers, some have travelled and all have cherished their roots and the bonds they have with each other.
What Les has done on his web site is important, he has a message board for his fellow classmates to post their stories and tell each other what has been happening to them. These are great stories, of the real life kind and in many ways the stories they tell record the time they live in and the circumstances under which they have had to make their way and carry out those promises and threats from graduation day.

The fabric of life is made from moments strung together and we each build our lives out of that fabric. There are no failures, no successes, only the flow of time and experience that confronts each of us adding to our character as we in turn shape the time in which we live and interact. Best wishes to the class of 91.