The days are getting longer
Monday, January 18, 2016
by: Timothy W. Shire
Monday, January 18, 2016
by: Timothy W. Shire

The Canadian economy looks to be in tough shape and getting worse, making our currency worth less each day, all in all with other news, things appear to be pretty gloomy. I suspect that our economy and our outlook may be closely related to our need to have a positive plan, a vision, some goal that we can look forward to. Perhaps that could be spring, our new Federal government’s budget, we are grasping here for something on which to pin our hopes.


She saw herself swimming up stream at all times and frequently clashed with her teachers. As her principal, she was at times in my office for some rub with authority and I really liked her. She knew what she wanted and she could see beyond the here and now, to what she would do and become.
Though she lived for just shy of forty years, she was a remarkable success, forging ahead with business and never losing sight of her Yukon roots.
She was the kind of person who went berry picking on Vancouver Island with her BMW and had to deal with those who just didn’t understand her passion. It is sad that she is gone, but the inspiration she was to everyone she helped along the way and her remarkable determination to make a good life for herself and those around her, makes me proud to have known her and shared this planet with her.
Louise showed us all that courage, determination and making your one mark on life could make all the difference. Her father was a trapper who originally came from Saskatchewan and her mother was a First Nations Yukon. She took on life on her terms and that made all the difference.
There is an example in Louise Gibney (Corcoran’s) life that we can all follow. None of us know how much time we have and you better make the best of it. No need for excuses, no need for special consideration, only respect. Respect for yourself, respect for your family, respect for your heritage and respect for those with whom you deal in life.
Don’t let the economy, grim world news or the oppression of winter get you down. Make the best of things, get something to look forward to and like Louise, make your life mean something.
