President |
Anne McIntosh |
752-4042 |
Vice President |
Neil Anderson |
873-2356 |
Sec./Treasurer |
Darlene McCullough |
873-2030 |
Parkland Photography Club met in the Doghide Gallery on Tuesday, January 27 with twelve members present. President Anne McIntosh welcomed the members.
The January Theme Shoot was "Old Building(s)" and there were eleven entries. These were judged by the members with first going to Glen Galloway's "Memories of the Past". There was a tie for second by Anne McIntosh's "Once a Home" and Glen Neish's "Old Log Building".
The Regina Photo Club is hosting a Digital Image Competition which has a February 7 deadline for entries. Each photo club is able to submit ten entries in the Basic Category and ten entries in the Advanced Category. Parkland Photo Club had twenty-two entries submitted in the Basic Category and two images in the Advanced Category. It was necessary to judge the Basic Category images in order to select the ten that our club would submit to the contest. Anne McIntosh will now submit the club entries to this competition.
Albert Orban and Darlene McCullough reported on the warm and enthusiastic response they had received as they presented the club photo show for this year to the residents of Sasko Park Lodge, Kelsey Lodge, Heritage House, McKay Tower, and Cedar Villa.They felt this was a most worthwhile project and Darlene reminded members to be saving their images for next year's show. Anne McIntosh and Glen Galloway will be doing similar presentations in Melfort.
Sandra Dancey provided the club with twelve 8x10 matts for photos for our display board in the Doghide Gallery so we now have 4x6, 5x7, and 8x10 matts provided by the club for the display board. We keep changing the display photos quite often so that the public can see a lot of different photos. Do drop in to the Doghide Gallery and have a look every month or so.
Anne McIntosh contacted Geoff Payton, President of the Norrthern Image Photographerso of Prince Albert regarding a presentation for the April meeting of the Parkland Photography Club.
The club members felt this was an excellent idea so Anne will obtain further information on this for the February meeting.
Our theme shoot for the February meeting was to be "Macro" and Alan Caithcart had some videos to show on this topic as preparation for this. However, since we had used a lot of time judging the entries for the Regina Photo Club competition, and it was getting very late for people who had a lot of miles to drive it was decided to leave the videos for the February meeting. Therefore the February theme shoot will now be "Favorite Photo" and Alan will show the videos at this meeting and the theme shoot for the March meeting will be "Macro".
Thanks to Jenny for providing the lunch for this meeting. Next meeting will be on February 24 in the Doghide Gallery. If you have an interest in photography, please come and join us!