Parkland Photography Club slideshows at Senior's residences
Tisdale - Thursday, January 27, 2011 by: Darlene McCullough

Sixteen club members submitted images and Alan Caithcart put them into a slide show format.
They visit at this time of year as most of the residents cannot get around as easily then and there is a lull in activities following Christmas.
The picture at the top of the page shows the residence of New Market Manor as they enjoy the presentation.
On the right we have some pictures of Parkland photo club member and residents of Cedar Villa. Below is a group picture of the people at Cedar Villa how came out to see the slide presentation.

When people began taking pictures with roll film and Kodak Brownie cameras the volume of images increased dramatically but the nature of the pictures remained remarkably similar to what had been in the hands of photographers before that time. Family members, special occasions and children were faithfully documented but it was not until after World War II when picture taking become much less expensive that people got around to documenting their day to day lives and activities.

During the 1950s amateur photography flourished with inexpensive cameras coming available and even less expensive film and the cost of printing fell to pennies a picture.

Digital images if printed on paper may last a decade or so but electronically technology has moved at such a pace that images are being lost because they are crashing hard drives and various formats of optical disks which may or may not be readable in the future.
If you have a collection of family photographs and you don't know what to do with the the province archive in Regina will accept them as picture are important historical documents and need to be preserved.

(Above are some of the folks from McKay Tower and below are the residents of Heritage House)