March 26, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Cindy Neilsen at the Tisdale High School’s art room at 7:00 pm. Vic Goos from Melfort attended as a guest. The minutes from the February meeting were accepted with a name correction and treasurer Albert Orban informed us that our finances had not changed since last month and are still in good order.
The museum committee is still interested in doing a photographic calendar and has asked for a small committee from the club to meet with them to determine the details. Our committee will be made up of Neil Anderson, Albert Orban and Don Barbour.
We need suggestions from the members for Theme Shoot ideas for the coming year. Stephanie Pipke-Painchaud will send out a Google form requesting suggestions from the members.
The upcoming Shutter Bug Show, to be held at the Library on April 25th from 7:00 - 8:30 pm, was discussed. Members should bring between three and five framed pictures for the next meeting, which will be devoted to setting up this show. Don, Albert and Cindy will bring drinks. The rest of us should bring appetizers for the show. Promotion was discussed and Albert will try to get it mentioned on the digital sign on the south end of town. He will also ask his wife to make a suitable poster which can be used in both Melfort and Tisdale. Advertising will be inserted into the Buzz, the Review and possibly the CJVR Community Calendar program. Don will make name labels to identify each picture. Don showed us a sign which he had made that we can use to identify our display.
Albert brought three 8x10 frames which had been located at the Gallery. This leaves us with two 11x14 frames still missing.

Positions for next year were discussed:
- Treasurer and displays - Albert Orban will continue
- Membership points and newsletter - Cindy Neilsen will continue
- Web site management - Stephanie Pipke-Painchaud will continue
- Competitions - Anne McIntosh will continue
- Secretary and media releases - Bj. Madsen will continue
- Vice President & President - were tabled until the next meeting
Bj. Madsen introduced a new camera: a Fuji X10 viewfinder camera, ideal for holiday shooting. He also made a PowerPoint presentation on Macro Photography techniques and equipment. Don Barbour followed with a demonstration of macro equipment and lighting using a macro lens with a ring-light flash unit.
Anne McIntosh presented the results of judging, previously done by Anne, Don and Cindy. She showed each image and the points and comments awarded for each. The deadline for submission for next year’s entries is by mid October. The photos must have been taken during the current year and must be of Saskatchewan subjects and, like slides, must not be “manipulated”. While viewing the images, we enjoyed a lunch provided by Wendy Derbowka.