Parkland Photography Club October 2014
Tuesday, October 31, 2014
by BJ Madsen
Tuesday, October 31, 2014
by BJ Madsen
Meeting of October 28, 2014
The meeting was held in the TMSS art room, chaired by President Cindy Neilsen with ten members present.
New member Trena Eskra was presented and introductions were made to all members.
Anne had attended the Saskatchewan Wildlife Art Show in Saskatoon and had earned a “Best of Show” award for an excellent photograph of bear. She also won a Purchase Award, selling a photograph for $250. Congratulations, Anne!
Stephanie projected the Theme Shoot entries which had been posted to FaceBook. The theme this month was “close-up pictures”. Don provided a close-up of a beaver and another of a bee, which was shot using ring flash.
Stephanie’s work was of an ant on a lily flower and another of wedding rings on fingers. Anne brought a dragon fly shot against a blue sky and another of a dragonfly on a leaf. She also had a grizzly bear catching a salmon and another of a grizzly bear carrying a fish, both shot on an Alaska waterfall. Albert gave us a closeup of a watch mechanism. Trena brought us three different variations of a ladybug up close. Bj. provided a closeup nose shot of his dog, Daisy. The members agreed that the three most appealing studies were Don’s beaver photo, Anne’s bear close-up and Bj.’s dog nose.

Two YouTube videos were presented by Cindy. One was a tutorial on shooting pet videos and the other provided information about wildlife photography, with emphasis on the type of equipment required for success/
Bj. presented the four winners from the Melfort Library’s “Get Caught Reading” competition, which he had judged. There were two from under 15 years of age photographers and two from over 15 years of age. Enlargements had been made by Don for display in the Melfort Library.
Neil showed us an amazing picture of the waterfront in Curacao which he had printed onto an aluminum sheet by a lazar process. It was three photos, stitched together with software. The printing had been done by “Poster Jack” and ordered on-line.
Anne showed us her “Best of Show” winner plus several other enlargements, primarily of bears, photographed in Alaska.
Albert brought us a series of family pictures which he had printed.
The possibility of the club committing themselves to an ongoing photo show at the Tisdale Health Centre was further discussed. It was agreed that we would undertake this work, if the Town is still interested in it and if the Town will provide the frames. Bj. will follow up with a meeting with the Town’s representative.
MOTION: Moved by Anne, seconded by Albert that the club fund the acquisition of up to 12 mats, specially cut for the frames for the hospital display. This was carried unanimously.
Anne brought back the photos from the Culture Display in Melfort. Our photos had been part of 20 or so works on display.
Anne reported on the Foto Fun competition. She has received the official invitation with an entry deadline of the end of November. Thus, Anne needs to have picture submissions by the 15th of November. These must be in JPG format, must have been taken in Saskatchewan and there is no date restriction. (They do not have to have been taken this year) The naming convention is title-photographer’s name.JPG.
November’s meeting will be held on November 25 at the TMSS art room. November’s activity will be a show and tell of equipment - bring something to show the rest of the members. Perhaps Christmas inspiration will result.
The meeting was held in the TMSS art room, chaired by President Cindy Neilsen with ten members present.
New member Trena Eskra was presented and introductions were made to all members.
Anne had attended the Saskatchewan Wildlife Art Show in Saskatoon and had earned a “Best of Show” award for an excellent photograph of bear. She also won a Purchase Award, selling a photograph for $250. Congratulations, Anne!
Stephanie projected the Theme Shoot entries which had been posted to FaceBook. The theme this month was “close-up pictures”. Don provided a close-up of a beaver and another of a bee, which was shot using ring flash.
Stephanie’s work was of an ant on a lily flower and another of wedding rings on fingers. Anne brought a dragon fly shot against a blue sky and another of a dragonfly on a leaf. She also had a grizzly bear catching a salmon and another of a grizzly bear carrying a fish, both shot on an Alaska waterfall. Albert gave us a closeup of a watch mechanism. Trena brought us three different variations of a ladybug up close. Bj. provided a closeup nose shot of his dog, Daisy. The members agreed that the three most appealing studies were Don’s beaver photo, Anne’s bear close-up and Bj.’s dog nose.

Two YouTube videos were presented by Cindy. One was a tutorial on shooting pet videos and the other provided information about wildlife photography, with emphasis on the type of equipment required for success/
Bj. presented the four winners from the Melfort Library’s “Get Caught Reading” competition, which he had judged. There were two from under 15 years of age photographers and two from over 15 years of age. Enlargements had been made by Don for display in the Melfort Library.
Neil showed us an amazing picture of the waterfront in Curacao which he had printed onto an aluminum sheet by a lazar process. It was three photos, stitched together with software. The printing had been done by “Poster Jack” and ordered on-line.
Anne showed us her “Best of Show” winner plus several other enlargements, primarily of bears, photographed in Alaska.
Albert brought us a series of family pictures which he had printed.
The possibility of the club committing themselves to an ongoing photo show at the Tisdale Health Centre was further discussed. It was agreed that we would undertake this work, if the Town is still interested in it and if the Town will provide the frames. Bj. will follow up with a meeting with the Town’s representative.
MOTION: Moved by Anne, seconded by Albert that the club fund the acquisition of up to 12 mats, specially cut for the frames for the hospital display. This was carried unanimously.
Anne brought back the photos from the Culture Display in Melfort. Our photos had been part of 20 or so works on display.
Anne reported on the Foto Fun competition. She has received the official invitation with an entry deadline of the end of November. Thus, Anne needs to have picture submissions by the 15th of November. These must be in JPG format, must have been taken in Saskatchewan and there is no date restriction. (They do not have to have been taken this year) The naming convention is title-photographer’s name.JPG.
November’s meeting will be held on November 25 at the TMSS art room. November’s activity will be a show and tell of equipment - bring something to show the rest of the members. Perhaps Christmas inspiration will result.
