The main gate into the block long street called Chinatown
Ramblers’ Trade Show 2017
Friday, April 14, 2017
by: Timothy W. Shire
Friday, April 14, 2017
by: Timothy W. Shire
Each spring the ice comes out of the arena and soil is brought in to provide for footing for the rodeo and businesses, organisations and services set up their booths as part of the trade show. The 2017 version seemed smaller to me that it has been in other years but then I was attending the show early on the Friday afternoon and some displays were not yet up and running. But as in other years the atmosphere was festive and a pleasant experience.

BMO (Bank of Montreal) was the only bank of Canada’s main institutions present although the Credit Union had a nice booth and were giving out pens. BMO outdid everyone by handing out free cake. The cake was outstanding and there is no more to be said, cake talks for itself.
The second highlight was my Smokey that I bought at Tremblay’s booth for $5.00. It was a dandy. It is always a highlight of the annual trade show to go to the Beeland Co-op booth for a smokey but this year the Co-op, without any competition, was just a little corner display and definitely no hot dogs or smokeys.
One of the nice additions this year was the use of spiffy vertical banners. The banners were attractive and separate the booths nicely from one another.
I made no attempt to document this year’s trade show with pictures of each booth and display but chose instead to select twenty pictures that caught my eye and told the story of this year’s trade show. Check out the pictures.