Highway Reconstruction
Lake Lenore
to Muenster
FTLComm - Lake Lenore -
June 18, 1998
The extremely narrow highway from
Lake Lenore South to Muenster is getting a major overhaul. One of the achievements
of Alan Blackney's government was the policy of constructing a hard surfaced road
into each village, hamlet and town in the province connecting it to a provincial
highway. Many of these were simple roadways, perhaps even below grid road standards.
This little highway was one of the small ones making this project is a major undertaking.
The road surface is not only being widened to allow for a shoulder but it is also |
being raised to provide a more
solid surface for the hardtop to come. Prior to this rebuilding program the road
was incurring enough damage to the point that wheel slots were developing in each
lane and for vehicles like the FTLComm van extra care has to be taken scrape the
raised centre portion of the slot. |
The bitumen hard surface used
on this roadway and
others like the road from Naicam to Archerwell was designed
to keep down dust and was never intended to withstand the constant abuse dealt it by "B" train units
loaded to their limits. Even major highways like 6are showing increasing
deterioration due to the heavy traffic.
A very small section of highway 1from Gull Lake to Tompkins (27Km) is
being twinned this summer, it is good to see that the department of highways is at
last taking a few pennies out of their very tight purse. |