FTLComm - Red Earth - March 18, 1999
The growth and development of computer technology in education continues as Red Earth had their fifteen new Intel based computer systems installed on Wednesday. In the fall of 1991 I installed ten Mac Classics in John William Head Memorial Education Centre which replaced their aging Apple //e computers. The little blocky Macs served their purpose and in time the school has upgraded to PowerPC 5200Cd machines and it was decided that since so many businesses had non-Macintosh machines the school should introduce some of these into their system and they purchases fifteen PCs from Faster Than Light Communications.

The present lab now seats twenty-three students and has the same software on both platforms which makes it easier to teach but also easier for students to make the transistion.

The plans include bringing all of these online in a network
and using all of their systems on the internet. using a satalite system. This part of the project has not yet been installed.

The new Acer machines are situated so that the instructor can view their screens at a glance from one side of the room and from the other see what is going on, on the 5200s. All of the computers on both platforms are equipped with CDs and stereo speaker systems so that full multimedia capabilities are available to students at every machine.

Computer instructor Brian Young is seen below setting up Windows 98. Below right you can see the Macintosh machines and at the back of the room is the store room where the internet server and the rooms supplies will be located.