Golden Age Centre Holds Annual Meeting in New Centre

FTLComm - Tisdale - Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Of the organisation's total membership only ten or so were not on hand for the first annual meeting of the Golden Age Centre to be held in the new building. One-hundred forty-three people brought their own chairs and enthusiasm to see how things are going.

The main concern about a project like this one were the financial concerns. The members were brought up to date on the crucial flow of

funds that have made the construction possible and will be needed to put in the furnishings and finish the facility off for full and complete use.

As the meeting ending this gentleman rose and asked that a special marker of some kind be errected in the building to recognise the donations by so many to the project.

The financial picture of the Centre's development showed that things have come in as needed and the fund raising projects have been there to top up the major contributors. Things like paint, coffee and specific parts of the construction project have been donations from individuals and businesses showing the solid support this project has had from the community.

As things stand they are looking at borrowing about $60,000 to get the last part of the project completed and will be counting on the continuing generousity of the community to pay off this finishing debt.

The actual building and property on which it is located ultimately belongs to the Town of Tisdale.

Ownership of a facility of this type seems hardly important as it is what it can do and provide to the people of the community that is important.

As the meeting broke up and coffee and cookies made the rounds it was time for sharing and stories as it was clear what this centre means to everyone in attendance and the potential of what it will do in the future seems almost limitless.