FTLComm - Tisdale - May 10, 2000

Ensign gave you a look at the newly developing stock car race track May 1, when the poles were being installed along the final stretch. This morning Silvertown Construction is busily hauling fill from a borrow pit on the other side of the track to the area behind the poles. This is creating a raised and safe area for spectators to view the races
from with the embedded poles
forming the divider to place the raise fill area separating the spectators from the racing action.

The primary concern in auto racing is safety. The cars, the drivers and the fans each have to be situated and protected so that the fun will not be spoiled by mishaps. The development in car
technology is remarkable
and even at the highest NASCAR speeds drivers are rarely hurt in devastating crashes. With a new race track like this one the track and viewing area can be engineered to minimise danger to those watching and yet provide a great view of the exciting events on the track.

The viewing area on this new track is more then five feet above the edge of the track surface and near the tall poles a concrete base has already been poured to form the pad for the concession and track administration building.