Sure Signs That the Weather Is Getting Better

FTLComm - Tisdale - Friday, May 24, 2002
The temperature came up to 15ºC this morning and for the first while in some time the wind did not have that bitter winter edge to it. Though we do not expect balmy weather in the next few days things are looking up and some signs of improvement are all around.

Highway #3 is blocked at the North edge of town as the Department of Highways have work to do on the bridge over the Doghide. No work is being carried out right now which suggests that the highway is closed because of a some possible danger with the bridge.

Down town people are out on the streets as this little family makes its way across the busy street.

Another sign of improving weather is renovation work is underway as this flat roofed house is getting a conventional roof. Though initially a flat roof is less expensive to construct the tradtional raftered roof is much warmer and it is likely that this is what is prompting this alteration.

Another sign of spring of course is the Silvertown Speedway is open this weekend with races tomorrow and Sunday and Motor madness planned for next weekend.