
Tisdale Geese

Here are the first six of what will grow to a flock of more than fifty who spend their spring, summer and fall here in Tisdale. There is a good chance that they arrived yesterday, Tuesday, April 5. There was no sign of them on Monday but there they are at 4:18 in the afternoon. For many of us this is one of the wonders of the world. How these large birds can make their way down to almost the Gulf of Mexico and back each year with the humans along the way showing them down right hostility.

Canada geese (Niska in Cree) are just not popular with humans. The birds are remarkably successful, they can adapt to changing environment and despite the ill feelings shown them by humans they can deal with it and thrive in the process as their numbers world wide are just skyrocketing. Though they are unpopular in urban areas in North America, in Europe they are down right hated.