Riverside Golf Course

A couple of years ago the golf course definitely earned its name as "Riverside" being flooded four times that year. Usually, it is only turned into a temporary lake once during the year and that is during the spring run off. Besides the Dog Hide river acting as the western boundary of the course it also has a very pleasant pond (water hazard) on the Northeast end of the course. The pond is no where to be seen in the picture at the top of the page which was taken close to five o'clock on Friday, April 1.

A little bridge spans the river on the North side of the course where the river is very tight and can really carry very little water. The whole route of the Dog Hide along the golf course is almost designed to flood. It is just to narrow to carry even a heavy rainfall let alone maintain its integrity during the spring. Below is how the bridge with a little gathering of water under it looked at 5:00 on Friday.

On the right is the same scene as it looked today at 4:00. There is water in the river but it is not flowing. When the water moves in from the South the whole of the golf course is flooded and the roads on the east and north sides of the course are covered. There is damage to the golf course with every flood and it is a credit to its management and staff in dealing with restoring the course to operation. There is a swinging foot bridge on the Dog Hide hiking trail on the southeast corner of the course that really takes a beating with each flood.