1100 block 95th Street Tisdale
No one knows what grievous sin was committed by some, or all of us who live on this block, one block south of Tisdale Elementary School. All of the housing on one side of the street is new within the last five years and all of the home owners on the block pay their share of taxes like everyone else in the town, but this is what our street looks like. The picture above was taken on Friday, April 1 looking south and the picture below was taken Monday, April 4, looking north toward the school.

With the new construction there had been a number of excavations on the street, but on both ends of it, there was some pavement. However, in their infinite wisdom, the Town rented a huge machine and proceeded to mulch the pavement on the street, then they added some gravel and ran over it a few times with the grader. No other street in Tisdale has been given this treatment, not in
Nipawin, not in Melfort and definitely not in Star City or Porcupine Plain, which have streets that are the envy of Tisdale residents. We alone have been singled out to have a block of uncountable pot holes. Since the destruction of the street, the town's grader paid at least one visit to the street last fall.

The town says they are going to pave this mess this summer. That truly sounds wonderful, but as for now, in the interest of preserving your vehicle, don't drive down our street. The Town of Tisdale certainly does not come down this street with their vehicles. This is their masterpiece of street vandalism. Not with the most savage attempt could such a mess have been created by accident.

Since the removal of the hard surface on the street, the heavy rains of last summer and fall, simply pass through the road way into the clay strata below and percolate up through cracks in our basement flood, cracks being created by the ever swelling clay beneath.

Most of Tisdale's streets are slightly better than this one, but only a few streets have smooth pavement. Poor to no maintenance sees even newly paved streets quickly breaking up. In addition, waterline replacement and repair excavations are rarely restored so that eventually most streets will be only slightly better than this, the 1100 block of 95th street.