Scandinavian Heritage Centre
Tisdale - Thursday,June 13, 2013
by:Timothy W. Shire
Located close to downtown Minot, North Dakota is the city’s outstanding tourist and visitor’s centre. The building serves several functions as does the surrounding Scandinavian Heritage Centre. This is not a museum but is a vital community centre for activities and a showplace for the city.
Occupying about a quarter of a city block the site is above all a lovely park, a green spot in a modern bustling city and that makes it pretty special.
The heritage site has a number of exhibits including two remarkable buildings built in Europe and then reassembled in Minot.
The centre piece of the heritage centre is the church seen at the top of this page. Having viewed the Discovery Channel’s “Viking” series the architecture seems almost familiar as does the remarkable nature of the adventurers from Northern Europe who came to North America centuries before the Spanish, French and British.
But as is always the case it might be just best to let the pictures we captured this afternoon tell you about this feature in the 42,000 populated North Dakota city of Minot.