Balloons over Yuma
Yuma, Arizona - Wednesday, November 21, 2012
by:Michael Townsend
As Grey and I were setting out for our regular morning walk, we were greeted by our usual sunny and blue sky, but this morning the blue was filled with a host of brightly coloured balloons floating in a seemingly random manner heading east over Yuma. We did our 2 kms and were heading home when I noticed many were rather low, some landing off to the East. So, when I got home, I decided to fire up the truck and do a little ballon chasing.
Now these things will land just about anywhere there is a bit of a flat stretch and indeed were coming down all over the place. They try and land in open areas, but will make due with what is offered. I have seen many balloons aloft, but never really witnessed the taking off or landing. This morning one almost landed on my head as I was taking pictures of them. Great experience!
As I was taking the pictures I have here, the pilot asked, as I was standing around doing nothing but holding a camera, if I would help with the folding up process. I gladly agreed as I could chalk another in this experiential pursuit I seem to be on.
When we had this thing folded up and laying length wise, the pilot brought out this ever so small duffle bag and said we were going to put that ballon in this bag.
I said, "No freakin' way man." He chuckled and we set about doing just that.
The loading process was very organized and the ballon and basket were soon tucked away in the trailer. They thanked me for my help, but I thanked them for the opportunity to participate.