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FTLComm - Tisdale - August 20, 2000 | |
public |
For this past century Canada has happily been sawing away at public forests, after all the country seems almost all forest. Logging from Preeceville to Hudson Bay and across to Kelvington, toward the Pas our commercial forests simply are massive and have been harvested actively for more than sixty years. Replanting and regrowth is progressing and these public forests will continue to meet the demand for forest products for decades, perhaps centuries to come if properly managed. |
marginal |
But as agriculture has moved into cleared areas and put into production we have see vast areas that are simply marginal when it comes to agricultural production. Swamps, mixed terrain, poor soil conditions even stone in some areas, make these marginal lands uneconomical for modern farming practices. If you look over a municipal map for any R.M. you will see large numbers of quarter sections that have remarkably low tax assement. This quarters just can't cut it and for the most part are sitting there being partly used while still requiring road access and service. |
private farm wood lots |
As farmers strive to increase their productivity they are gradually working away at the stands of timber on their farmland and these two trucks sit loaded with logs taken from farm land being cleared to increase a farm's productive acreage. In essence these forest products are coming from private farm wood lots where the valuable resource pays back to the land owner. |
hybrid |
We are definitely in a time where thoughtful land owners have to consider their marginal farm lands and think about putting them into wood lots. With the outstanding growth to maturity times now available in hybrid poplar trees the time from planting to harvest is remarkably reduced and the tree's are extraordinarily hardy while still producing excellent fibres for both pulp and construction material. |
hard woods |
The demand for hard woods is already very high and in the future we can be certain that the commerical use for the lusterous and durable hard woods will continue. Marginal farm land could in the long run turn an exceptional profit from simply growing trees. |
Christmas |
There has been increasing interest in wood lots as many farmers have gone into growing Christmas Trees which have a relatively quick turn over for trees but in a sustainable and long term agricultural situation land owners need to consider taking land that currently does not pay its own taxes and make the long term investment to dedicate this land to forest product production. |